Looking Back to the Past

Past is but one word, but have a thousand of meanings. To discuss it will need a long time. I think, an hour, a day, or a week is not enough to talk about "past".
Everyone in the world have their own past. Whether the past is good or not. Sometimes, talking about the past is hurt, confusing, and could make tears in one's eyes.

There is a saying..
It's simple, isn't it? But, why is it so hard for people to do it? Especially those who have the worst past. But hey! Live in the present. Let the past be the past. Make it your best lesson.
Looking Back to the Past
What a sweet memories
Looks real in my eyes
No hatred
Everywhere there is a love
As sweet as honey
When you were still pretty
I was blind
Because of your love
My love is bigger than his
Everything about him is my happiness
His weakness is my strength
My weakness is his strength
It's the past..
Before the fire nation attacked
Before the third world war
Before I get my dissapointment
To love you badly is my regret
If I can go back, I don't wanna know you
I won't give you my love
And won't let you kiss my lips
Now.. Everything is different
I am not the me in my past
And you are not my priority again
You have note this
I heard you are sick
My heart doesn't vibrate like the past
But I still care
Just care
Unfortunately, you're still like yesterday
And I am not interested anymore, immediately
Thanks for your time to read my post dearest Steemians! Don't forget to follow @poetry-vibes, upvote, and comment below 😊
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Very nice quote :)
Nice that the narrator was able to move on from the past pain. It's hard to do that sometimes, especially when it concerns someone you were deeply attached to, as it so appears in this poem. You feel regret, you feel pain, you feel misery. But you have to let go sometimes for your own good. Maybe the universe has something better planned for you down the line and you shouldn't waste your time being caught up in your past mistakes. :)
Of course. Absolutely it's so hard to do. But if we really wanna move on from the past, WE CAN. "All is well", this sentence have to be in our mind for he better planns and future ☺
Thanks for comment, I really like your picture 😊