Poetry: Praise the Savior

Praise the Savior
What love is greater than giving up his life for his friends?
What love is greater than a love that is eternal and no end?
There is no greater love than the love of the Father
Sending His only Son to us, our beloved Redeemer
He love us in times that we cannot love ourselves
In love he gave up His life in order for us to be saved
Rejoice for we are loved so much unconditionally
By the Savior of the entire humanity
What love is greater than the love of the Almighty?
Giving up His life for the salvation of the entire humanity
What love is greater than the sacrifice on the cross?
Redeeming everyone so no soul will be lost
Indeed give praise to the Almighty and Ever Living
Loving us human since in the beginning
Praise be unto Him forever and ever
His love for us endures forever and ever
Your Lovely Accountant Steemian Poet
