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His excesses, you check.
His annoying self, you put up with.
You're the Queen, he's just a dirty slave,
You took him, made him a king,
Still, he overrides you with my strength.
What he doesn't know is, what you lack in strength,
You make up with love, your biggest super
<centerpower remains love, Unconditional one.
He goes on to make his sons in his light and the cycle continues.
You do everything, you get credit for nothing.
You are the world, they should exist at your feet thanking you for everything you do,

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But no, you're not even treated as an equal,
They make you their subordinate,
Why? Why can't they open their eyes?
Love Your Woman
We are all equal in the sight of God. If you don't believe that, imagine when people die. No one is rich or poor.