Loving You - A Poem

Loving You
I may not be a noble
I may not have a name
I may not be a prince
Or the heir to a throne.
I may not be so cute
I may not be so charming
I may not be so loving
Or the Romeo in your dreams.
I may not have the words
I may not have the voice
I may not be so vocal
Or the orator you desire.
I may not be so strong
I may not be so brave
I may not be the warrior
Or the hero you imagined.
I may not be so good
I may not be near perfect
I may not be the saint
Or the angel that you wished.
I may not be so wise
I may not be so smart
I may not be the brains
Or the intelligence that you seek.
I may not be the spark
I may not be the flame
I may not be the light
Or the colours you so love.
But I would always be me
And a little bit of all
Imperfect as I am
And loving you for real.
@nicewoody69 writes