in memory of childhood, the most fun without load without mind sense want to come back to childhoodsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetry7 years ago


Childhood is a time where you can laugh freely, Dancing, dancing, stretching your hands, laughing without burden, mindless Childhood? Talking about our childhood must have its own story, but certainly a childhood is a period in which we can play as we please, have no significant burden. Even if there is a burden, it's just as simple as not getting our dream toys,

> Masa kecil adalah masa di mana dapat tertawa lepas, Menari-menari, merentangkan tangan, tertawa tanpa beban,tanpa pikiran Masa kecil? Bicara soal masa kecil kita pasti memiliki cerita sendiri-sendiri, tapi yang pasti masa kecil adalah masa di mana kita dapat bermain sesuka kita, tidak memiliki beban berarti. Jikapun ada beban, itu hanya sesederhana tidak mendapatkan mainan impian kita,

Childhood is a time where I, you, we all do not know shame. The period in which we become small creatures, innocent who do not know much. Honesty is synonymous with children, with childhood. Because that's what kids are, that's the little kids, little kids who are innocent people who say what they are, when we are small days just sleeping, waking up, eating breakfast, school, going to school, playing, bathing and then studying at night , Who was in the mind at that time just learning, and playing. Aih, how I miss
that time,

> itemMasa kecil adalah masa dimana aku, kamu, kita semua tidak mengenal malu. Masa dimana kita menjadi makhluk mungil, polos yang tak banyak tahu. Kejujuran identik dengan anak-anak, dengan masa kecil. Karena memang begitulah anak-anak, begitulah anak kecil, Anak kecil makhluk polos yang berkata apa adanya, Ketika kita kecil hari-hari hanya di isi dengan tidur, bangun tidur, sarapan, sekolah, pulang sekolah, main, mandi, lalu belajar saat malam, Yang ada dalam benak kala itu hanya belajar, dan bermain. Aih, betapa aku rindu masa itu,


Not forgetting when the afternoon arrives is a time where to go to spend with friends, pestle each other-to slap one another. Then go along to the teacher's house. Really, I miss. I miss the moment when I can laugh freely, without burden. I miss the moment where I can calmly eat food. I miss the moment where I can play my heart, unencumbered

>tidak lupa kala sakit tiba adalah saat di mana pergi mengaji bersama teman-teman, saling sampar-menyampar satu sama lainnya. lalu pergi bersama menuju rumah sang guru ngaji. sungguh, aku rindu. rindu saat di mana aku dapat tertawa lepas, tanpa beban. rindu saat di mana aku dapat dengan tenangnya menyantap makanan. rindu saat di mana aku dapat bermain sepuas hati, tanpa terbebani


I miss. Missed a time where no privacy was known. Longing for a time where there is no burden. Longing for a time when not knowing prestige. Longing for a period in which to play is a routine.

I miss. Missed playing paper dolls with colored pencils as a home frame. Miss playing hide and seek with friends. Missed the laughter of friends while playing disabused. Longing to sing long dragon snake while playing dragon snake. Longing to play house-dirt house, with a stick as people in front of the house. Rindu climbed the mango tree, then becerita above the height of the mango tree with friends. Missed playing bekel ball, with shells.

>aku rindu. rindu masa di mana tak kenal kata privasi. rindu masa di mana tadak kenal beban. rindu masa di mana tak kenal gengsi. rindu masa di mana bermain adalah rutinitas. aku rindu. rindu bermain boneka kertas dengan pensil warna sebagai kerangka rumah. rindu bermain petak umpet dengan teman-teman. rindu gelak tawa teman-teman saat bermain terabasan. rindu bernyanyi ular Naga panjang saat bermain ular Naga. rindu bermain rumah-rumahan tanah, dengan lidi sebagai orang dipelataran depan rumah. rindu menaiki pohon Mangga, lalu becerita di atas ketinggian pohon Mangga bersama teman-teman. rindu bermain bola bekel, dengan kerang

As a child I do not know gadgets, Android, or whatever kind of other smart phones. I do not know online games, I do not know games in gadgets. But my childhood is fun, no day filled with no laughter. Happy as a child is simple. Well, simple is very simple. As simple as enjoying a candle ice. As simple as playing in the courtyard of the house. As simple as winning in the game. As simple as playing a bike around the village with friends.
Childhood? The period in which play is a routine. A time when there is no day without laughter. The period in which there is no such thing as sad prolonged. If you just cried for a while, some time afterwards returned cheerfully.

>Saat kecil aku tak kenal gadget, Android, atau apalah itu jenis telepon pintar lainnya. Aku tak kenal game online, aku tak kenal game dalam gadget. Tapi masa kecilku menyenangkan, tak ada hari yang diisi tanpa gelak tawa. Bahagia saat kecil itu sederhana. Yah, sederhana sangat sederhana. Sesederhana menikmati es lilin. Sesederhana bermain di pelataran rumah. Sesederhana menang dalam permainan. Sesederhana bermain sepeda keliling kampung bersama teman. Masa kecil? Masa di mana bermain adalah rutinitas. Masa di mana tiada hari tanpa tawa. Masa di mana tak ada yang namanya sedih berkepanjangan. Jika menangispun hanya sesaat, beberapa waktu setelahnya kembali riang. ![image]()

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