We are from who...
"We are from the one who write us", I read one day. From who understands us, who can also explain us later. We are from those who caress us, who draw us with sweetness, who find adorable each defect, each mark, each scar.

Undoubtedly we are from the one who loves us and protects us, even with wounds, even with scratches. We are not from the one who heals us, we are from who when we're already healed, is there for us, first of all.
We are from the one who discover us every day, every secret, every moment, every thing in the past, no matter what happened, no matter nothing. We are from the one who do not have secrets to us, from whom we can tell them everything without pain, without shame, without remorse.

We are from the ones who see us as if we were the most precious jewel, the most beautiful, the best. Who takes us with firmness and delicacy, who takes care of us before everything and everyone, and who always, at all times will defend us.
We are from who put us in priorities, who gives us their time, who also gives us freedom; we are from who kiss us beautiful, who kisses us wild, who will always going to kiss us.
We are from the one who love everything about our being, our essence, who does not want to change a single centimeter, who knows all our mistakes and stumbles and still wants to stay.

We are from the one who stayed by our side despite the bad times, despite the omens, the tears or anger, the angry faces, the days without remedy; We are definitely from who still is here, at our side, loving us at all times, wanting after time to continue knowing more, believing that always knows us but discovering that in our inside there are still mysteries that wants to decipher.
We are from the ones who after all keep believing in us and who would never change us or limit us to something, on the contrary, he will grow by our side.