Blessed are those...

Blessed are those who tend a hand to help, those who try to understand, those who hanker to share.
Blessed are those who, to give their opinion, do not need to get on any podium, those who make time to listen and those who know that there is always something to learn.
Blessed are those who try to polish and erase their meanness and not simply to hide them.
Blessed are the good friends and the friendship cult.
Blessed are those who fill the nights of philosophy, those who water the roads to utopia with epic battles and those who to every love history charging it with madness.
Blessed are those who enjoy the sun and the moon, the open sky and the closed night, climb the mountain and plunging into the sea.
Blessed are those who can avoid the crust and see the essence, those who can enjoy the poetry that this wonderful world has.
Blessed are those who do not abandon their principles or their roots, but who do not close themselves to changes or renounce to try to fly.
Blessed are those who dream awake, especially if they dream of improving the world around them, and blessed be those who from the dream jump into action.
Blessed are those who read what others write, those who listen attentively to those who have the necessity to speak and those who lose, conscientiously, for a loved one earn.
Blessed are those who believe that it never arrives to the ideal, but struggle with tireless passion for his ideals.
Blessed are those who understand that the dawn on the beach, freshly baked bread, music and caresses are part of a party that we all deserve.
Blessed are those who ask for forgiveness, those who say thank you and those who do not forget to say please.
Blessed are those who aspire for the world to have enough place such for the laborious ant and the cicada, with its much-needed art.
Blessed are those who want to abolish the complaints, those who want the lower ones to rise a lot and the upper ones to descend a little, blessed who want that the death dies.
Blessed are those who do not subside sobbing, meanwhile waiting for the miracle, if not that they propose to forge something miraculous.
Blessed are those who take risks for lost causes, for conquering hearts and for the good of friends.
Blessed are those who risk showing their feelings.
Blessed are those who take risks.
Blessed are those who love life.
Blessed are all the places where we have been, the places where I want to take you, the places where we will be together.
Blessed be the path that led me to know your smile, door of your soul.
Blessed be your eyes, because it is good that you know, even in the deepest loneliness your gaze accompanies me.
Blessed be those who spread kindness and make this world a better place.
Blessed be the happiness full of loving and being loved. Beautiful. Greetings.
Gracias a ti por tu voto linda (✿◠‿◠)