Waking up

in #poetry2 months ago

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Waking Up

On a dreamy battlefield
I fight the urge I have to yield
The day awaits with the tasks to do
And enemies I must subdue

But oh how I wish it were not true
I'd close my eyes and dream of you
And melt away to some place else
Away from all these daily hells

But the sun is stalking and I must rise
To face it without compromise
For my enemies will do the same
And best me at this endless game

So on this dreamy battlefiled
With all the strength that I can wield
I raise my scythe, prepared to reap
The dreams of those who wish I'd sleep


Exactly one year ago, I asked for inspiration from the Hive community to write a poem. @atma.love responded with the prompt of "Waking Up". My mind immediately went blank, but I gave it a shot and wrote a couple of stanzas in a few minutes...then my mind went blank again. I had such a bad case of writer's block that the next 8 lines literally took me a year to write. I just finished it today and only realized it was exactly a year ago when I started writing this post. Crazy that such a little poem took me so long to make.

The theme of the poem is about the sttuggle of waking up in the morning. I remember hearing a talk from Mark Wahlberg about winning the morning. I think it's a great way to think about it. I find motivation in the idea that those who'd wish to see me fail would be disappointed to know that I'm winning the first battle of the day.

What are your thoughts on this poem or on waking up in general? Are you a morning person? What motivates you to get out of bed?

Speaking of waking up. I have to wake up in less than 5 hours. So I better get some sleep!


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