Broken Souls ~ Rape Victims

in #poetry7 years ago


How strange it is
Her whole life
In a few seconds
Turned into a worst direction

Her heart torn
Into many pieces
She began to get afraid
Of her own reflection

Her life changed
For forever
Like everything
She knew was
Suddenly rearranged

None of us
Can understand
How she felt
That day
She began to fear
Every touch after that day

She was suddenly captured
With no way to escape
Wondering if she deserved it
Or it was her fate

Her wings were broken
When She tried to escape
Her mind filled with hate
And his with lust

He took an innocent
Part of her
With every thurst

Tears like waterfall
Kept flowing down her face
She peered into his soul
With a look of disgrace

He was like a vaccum
Sucking out life from her
His ears were wide open
But he didn't hear her cries

Worse than at the doctor
He injected her with filth and dirt

Now late in nights
She can't sleep
Thinking about her innocence
Is no longer her to keep

What can be the
Worst nightmare
It is her gruesome reality
That can't be repaired

She has the sweetest smile
That covers her pain
Only she knows the secrets
That are masked with her smile

She has the pretiest eyes
That have seen more than they should have
And have cried
More than anyone ever had

She has the kindest heart
But it came with a cost
It felt worst of pains
And experienced great loss

We are all different
yet so much the same
Everyone, in some way
will experience a kind of pain

Dark days are necessary
as important as the rest
For if we don't face the worst
we couldn't recognize the best

Of all crimes committed against someone, rape is the one that leaves a person feeling the most violated. A rape victim is often left with the feeling that that a part of them has been snactched from Them. Because the feeling always remain with them, the victim feels that the crime is continuously occurring. To use another person's body and ignore the soul that resides within is the most egregious crime that one person can commit against another.

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