ain't life grand?

in #poetry4 years ago (edited)

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all we can hope for
are a few moments
each day, each week
of happiness, contentment

one struggle with growing older
is realizing the moments
get smaller and smaller
less often, and spaced out

poetry, comedy, etc
help me carve out
more of those moments
you must fight for them

they dont come easy
not like when we were kids
oh, then, they flowed
adulthood is damming the flow

it doesnt have to be
im carving a new path

"Well, I'll tell you a story of whisky, mystics and men. And about the believers and how the whole thing began...And if all of the teachers and preachers of wealth were arraigned. We could see quite a future for me in the literal sands. And if all of the people could claim to inspect such regret. Well, we'd have no forgiveness, forgetfulness, faithful remorse. So, I tell you, I tell you, I tell you we must send away.
We must try to find a new answer instead of a way"

-James Douglas Morrison / "Whiskey, Mystics, and Men"