The surf (ENG/ PT/ DE)

in #poetry5 years ago


A change of ebb and flow,
at first light, at dawn.
Waves which wash,
The sea jewels in the sand surprise.

Like fractals,
I see dolphins and whales surfing the ocean.
Gracefully beautiful,
of masterful perfection.

Dreaming, foaming surf,
Soothed by the gentle hand of the morning light,
Behold the seabed,
Waves that rage,
But none breaks.




Uma mudança de fluxo e refluxo,
ao amanhecer, ao amanhecer.
Ondas que lavam,
As jóias do mar na areia da surpresa.

Como os fractais,
Vejo golfinhos e baleias a surfar no oceano.
Graciosamente linda,
de perfeição magistral.

Sonhando, espumando surf,
Acalmado pela mão suave da luz da manhã,
Contemplem o fundo do mar,
Ondas que enfurecem,
Mas nenhuma quebra.




Ein Wechsel von Ebbe und Flut,
beim ersten Sonnenlicht, bei Tagesanbruch.
Wellen welche waschen,
Die Meeresjuwelen im Sand überraschen.

Wie Fraktale,
Ich sehe im Meer surfen Delfine ubd Wale.
Anmutig schön,
von meisterhafter Perfektion.

Träumende, Schäumende Brandung,
Beruhigt durch die sanfte Hand des Morgendlichts,
Erblicke den Meeresboden,
Wellen die toben,
Doch keine zerbricht.

text and Pic made by myself. Peace



Love it! The words and the colors are dancing in harmony.

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