Keepers of the Secret Racism - Original

in #poetry8 years ago

God bless their hearts,
those keepers of the secret racism.
They are blind to reality
strutting about in their own fantasy,
explaining their status in life
with “good luck and hard work.”

They tread on the lesser as they go to work
while their mind denies the truth of their hearts:
that their skin has given them their life.
They say “it has been dealt with, this racism”
but that is only true in their fantasy.
A world with them on top, undeniably, is the reality.

They avoid talking about this reality
because to acknowledge it is too much work.
So they live on in their fantasy
ignoring the truth of their hearts.
Deep down they know that this evil exists, this racism
but they pretend, because change would affect their life.

They thank the Lord Almighty, their Savior, for their life,
but not their skin which is powerful in this reality.
As a demon hates the light, they hate the word “racism”
because it is everywhere, it has even invaded their work.
They push down that annoying truth in their hearts
because it interferes so heavily with their fantasy.

They live their fantasy
clueless to the facts of life,
ignoring the truth in their hearts
and shunning our reality.
Because it would be too much work
to change and destroy racism.

Life is great for the keepers of the secret racism
living away from everything, deep in their fantasy.
It’s not worth it to them, too much work
to change, to make a difference in their life.
They are too lazy and blind to accept reality
and give themselves to the truth in their hearts.

These keepers of the secret racism avoid the truth in their life,
they work to silence the voices of the truth in their hearts,
but in reality, a secret is only a secret to those deluded by fantasy.

Thanks for reading!

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