The Effects of Anxiety -- Steemit School 100 Days of Poetry Challenge {DAY 1}
Please bare with me as I share some of my poetry today. I haven't written any since I was a teen, with the exception of the poem below. I want to get back into writing poetry, however, so I am using the Steemit School 100 Day Poetry Challenge as a great way to step out of my comfort zone!
This poem talks about how I feel when that dreaded monster known as anxiety creeps up into my mind and decides to set up shop. Some days I can shake it....others, it just won't go away! It is written as free verse, and it still may break several rules of poetry.
I honestly just sat down and let the words pour out when thinking about how I feel when I'm really anxious. Any constructive criticism is very welcomed!!
Alright, let's get to it!
Effects of Anxiety
The mind races
A video on fast forward
Someone flipping channels
Without stopping to watch.
The pulse quickens
Drums pound in your ears
Adrenaline coursing through
Speeding without fear.
The chest tightens
Gripped in a vice
Trapped air in the lungs
Like balloons begging to burst.
The sweat accumulates
Dew misting the grass
Damp skin chills to the bone
With no warmth near.
The fog rises
Unable to focus
So far away inside
Echoes are all you hear.
As you can see, I am a true beginner when it comes to my poetry! I'll be back tomorrow though, giving this creative writing thing another try for the challenge! :)
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You have big support from me! The poem is nice and I enjoyed it! And I must add, in my opinion, there are no rules when it comes to poetry :) It's art!
Thanks so much for reading and leaving these kind words. It took a lot to post this tonight!!
You are welcome! :) English is not my native language, so I don't get what you mean by "a lot".. you mean a lot of time and effort, or you mean that you needed courage to do that, or you went through or going through anxiety and the result is this poem? I'm sorry if I got you confused :D
Sorry for the confusion. I meant it took a great deal of courage to post! :)
I get it now :) good for you!! keep writing and I'll stop by to read!!
Hi @keciah! Thanks a lot for this entry! Since we are totally open to any style, don't worry about breaking any rules, you can create in any manner most becoming your inclination :-)
I thought you did a great job in painting the picture of the phenomenon known as anxiety. For now I am placing you in the intermediate category because I feel you communicate your feelings well directly to the reader, notwithstanding your protest that you haven't written since high school :-)
Thanks for following all the directions! Could you also add a short link to the Steemit school discord on subsequent posts? Thank you! I appreciate your entry!
Great start to the challenge. I really liked it. I thought you had great control of word choice, punctuation, stanza breaks, and a number of other poetic techniques. I think you'll do a great job in this challenge. Also, you painted a great picture and captured the essence of anxiety.
Thank you @acousticsteveo. You have NO idea how much your comment means. I was so scared to post this but now I’m glad I did! :)
I'm glad you did too.
Thank you so much for the kind words, @d-pend. I’m honored you feel I should be in the intermediate group! I really thought this would be a totally disaster, trying to write poetry again after so many years. But an extra thanks to you for hosting this challenge and giving me a push to try again!
Sorry I forgot the Discord link. I’ll get it added to this post!
Thanks for sharing I know its not always easy sharing a gift to the world. Hope you get feedback that is positive and constructive.
Thanks for taking the time to read my poem @rscott31!!
I also love how you potrayed anxiety...i cant wait to read and learn more from you
Thanks for reading, @icequeenlove!
You are welcome mama ☺
this was not bad for a beginning these lines however were stellar:
So far away inside
Echoes are all you hear
Thank you for the feedback, @tygertyger. I greatly appreciate it!!
I liked your figurative language like "the fog rises" :) Definitely off to a great start!!
You have actually conveyed a lot in your poem @keciah. I think you did well, even though you're saying you've not written poetry in years!
I like this. I think you touched on the heart of anxiety and the horrible helpless feeling it can cause us to have.