POETRY: A Collection of Angsty Words
How about a blast from my not-so-graceful past?
These poems are from decades ago. They're angsty af. Angry. Hurt.
I still like them. They echo moments in my life where I took the time to think and decide to change course.

Photo by Christian Holzinger on Unsplash

You have (almost) always
Spoken kind words,
My king.
Forever gracious,
However true.
Your jester,
I dance for your amusement.
I smile as I bend to the whip,
Naked and vulnerable,
Though I wish to scream...
To take you by the crown,
Smashing the royal jewels
On the walls,
Like a priceless painting
Thrown into
A bonfire.

You weren't dressed.
Standing in the doorway,
Hiding her in the basement.
Did you say
I left.
Now I take my turn.
Wading through whispers,
To Master.
You tell me “Trust.
“Kiss me.”
Mortal Kombat ringing
In my head.
My sweater,
Warm, fuzzy, blue,
Flung to the cluttered floor.
Your laundry is stumbled
On the carpet.
Last weeks' underwear touches
My sleeve.
Prickly beard tears at
My flesh,
Lips trespassing
My fear.
Knocking tears you from
Your guilt.
She waits,
Standing in the doorway.
An animal, I obey,
Shivering in the basement darkness,
Clutching my warm,
Safe sweater.
My heel crushes last weeks' underwear.
I will cower in darkness no longer.
Original writing by Katrina Ariel.

So... There are a couple of my misadventures for your poetic pleasure. Mistakes of the past make us stronger, right? I'm going with that. ;)
Thanks for reading.

Those are kinda dark hey, makes me wonder if you had one of those not so friendly fellas hanging around for a bit.
Oh, I got myself into that trouble on my own. And yes, dark. Sometimes I like dark. Especially when I can look back and go, "Oh, yeah. You got out of that one. Good girl." ;)
And there's the light within shining through <3
Always the light shining through. Sometimes you have to squint to see it, but it's there. ;)
A bit moody but it’s cool you kept them from those times
And as for mistakes we learn more from mistakes than we do from good choices I think 🤔
Indeed. So many mistakes, but that's how we grow. I think I wrote these when I was 18 years old, so it's easy to look back now and laugh.
Well its good that you can look back and laugh :)
Your poetry is very intense, really like your narration style.
This post has been appreciated and featured in daily quality content rewards. Keep up the good work.
Thank you! I wrote these a very long time ago, but I still like to write powerful poetry. And it is always nice to have support and recognition. Much appreciated! :)