Move Over Dr. Suess !
There is an ice cream shop in the next town called Mayberry. It has been there for many, many years. From time to time it has been sold and each new owner applied their own spin to it, but no matter what other items they may have offered, multiple kinds of ice cream have been the constant.
Some time back I went there with one of my brothers and his family. When we arrived, there was only one booth left open, so that is where we sat. Everything was clean and neat, with one small exception. On one side of the table, the booth seat had a GIANT hole in the middle of it. The seats in general had great deep cushions, but in this one, the vinyl and the padding were gone in the center, down to the wooden part of it as if some monster had taken a big bite out !
Our solution was that me and my little niece would sit on that side, one of us on either side of the hole. 😂
We all had our cones of ice cream and a great time visiting. When it was time to go, I lifted my niece over the hole and into the aisle and THEN.... I pretended I was stuck in the hole and couldn't get up. The kids grabbed my hands and did a fine job of pulling me out. whew
The next morning as I was baking cakes at home, a poem wrote itself in my head, so I wrote it down, typed it up and mailed it to my brother's house. Below is what they received.
A Poem
Inspired by the seat in the booth at Mayberry Gone Country
We were only gonna stay
For just a few minutes
Have a little ice cream
With Heath Bar chunks in it
But when we were done
All full and feeling merry
I got stuck in the hole
In the seat at Mayberry
I wiggled and jiggled
I couldn't get up
I pulled and I tugged
But my bottom was stuck
And just when I thought
I'd be there forever
My friends gathered round
And all pulled together
Then after a minute
It seemed like a lot
My bottom came loose
With a great big POP !
So next time you go
Take some friends, eight or nine
Cause just when you're ready to go
You might find
You're stuck in the hole
in the seat
at Mayberry
My Sis-in-Law later told me that they laughed and laughed and they all took turns reading it out loud, every day, for many days.
Hope my poem made you smile and I also hope you are all getting started on a very happy weekend.
Love you !

Oh my ! I love your poem (and the story behind..) ! Even if english is not my mother language, I love all the sounds, like in french, of a foreign poem, and it is so Dr-Seuss-like ...! it is my favourite sound and mechanic of poem, your poem is so clever ! ^_^
Thank you for your kind compliment ! I like the sound of poems that rhyme too. We had such a fun time and then such a funny poem to help us remember.
yes indeed ! it will so reenforce the good memories ! Well done ! ^_^
Oh yes, this reminds me of Pooh Bear where he eats too much honey and gets stuck in the hole at Rabbit's house. They all pull together to free him with a POP!
Having friends and family to help pull you out of a hole is always good. 🙂 I love Pooh Bear....oh bother. Thanks for coming over. I appreciate you.
You made me laugh out loud! I love your poem and the story of how it came to be. I suspect you are the favorite aunt!
I'm glad it made you laugh. I do try to do things to keep myself at the top of that "Favorite Aunt" list. ha ha It comes pretty natural though, since my inner child is always bursting to get out. It makes it easy to get down on their level. 😄
This is wonderful... I smiled all the way through. Followed
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I'm thinking about reciting it again at this year's family Christmas Party, just to bring back the fun memory.
Glad it made you smile. What better can a person ask for, but that something they wrote made another smile?
Just read this to my wife and kids ... they had a good laugh. This could be made into a movie.
Oh cool ! I'm glad they enjoyed it.
Reminded of us the Robert Munsch stories we read here in Canada ...
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I was not familiar with Robert Munsch. I googled him and just read Jasmine's Walk. Too cute ! I will be reading more. I think I like him already.
You will have to repost this with a drawing of you stuck in the hole so that I can Upvote and Resteem
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LOL ....Thank Goodness there is not a real photo of that ! Hadn't thought about drawing one.