Kindly wake up dear mother Africa
Your children really need you
Don't be too blind to what is happening here
The land is suppose to be green
Instead it is red with blood of innocent ones
Shed by the evil ones among us.
The wrinkles on your face says it all
You must be tired of hearing the cries
That comes from troubled hearts
Your sagged breast is an illustration
Of being drained of your vitals
What an exhausting world we live in.
Terrorists camp increasing daily
Fighting education which is vital
Children dying mysteriously
From diseases and sicknesses
The cold hand of death lurking around
Looking for who to snatch away.
Mother Africa can you read this?
Will you intercede for your children here?
Pray for the windows of heaven to open
So famine can leave this land of ours
Just like the days of the Israelites
Bountiful harvest for our crops and animals.
Heal the land of this deep wound
Corruption has eaten out the gains
The rich threads on the poor to be richer
While the poor have nothing to show
Despite their hard work and multiple jobs
Cut off these traditions spreading like an Egyptian disease.
Wake up from your sleep and slumber
Now it is time to get to work
Before we use our hands to destroy the lands
Built by your sweat and hard labor
May your labor never be in vain
As you cleanse the land pure and clean.
I wrote this poetry to mark Nigeria Independence in my own version. Truly, the country and Africa as a continent have been through a lot. People are struggling to survive in this wicked world. The land is suppose to be green not red from innocent blood spilled all over in the name of tribalism, terrorism and corrupt government. How can a poor man go through pain and stress to elect a government only to become poorer in the administration? Mother Africa, wake up and heal the land before it is too late.
Anyway happy Independence Nigeria, 58 is not a small achievement, I just hope the age mashes up with the achievements soon. It is well with us all.
Truly mother Africa needs to wake up and see what is happening to the land. The land must be healed and blessed so it can start yielding milk and honey. Thanks for this piece.
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