in #poetry7 years ago

sorry if my english is bad, but i have tried as much as possible to translate with good english.
it is very difficult to translate a good english. I am sorry


I'm always faithful to accompany each of your steps
I always support your weight
I'm always brave if you do not need me
It does not matter if I'm wasted, upside down, or wedged in the foot of the closet
Because I am your true sandal
Oh Sendal ...
Sorry, you are always dirty because of me
because every day I wear you
But ....
Every week I wash you with soap
I brush you clean
until you look like new
that's all I do ....
as my thanks to you
forgive me for not taking care of you
as you take care of and take care of my feet
when you're shabby I can only replace you with new sandals
and I urge you if twilight greets you




Aku selalu setia menemani tiap langkahmu
Aku selalu teguh menopang berat tubuhmu
Aku selalu tabah kalau kau tak memerlukanku
Tak peduli kuterbuang, terbalik, atau terjepit kaki lemari
Karena aku adalah sandalmu sejati
Wahai Sendal...
Maaf, engkau selalu kotor karenaku
karena setiap hari aku mengenakanmu
Setiap minggu kucuci engkau dengan sabun
kusikat engkau sampai bersih
hingga engkau terlihat seperti baru
itu semua kulakukan....
sebagai rasa terimakasihku kepadamu
maafkan aku karena tak bisa menjaga dan merawatmu
seperti engkau menjaga dan merawat kakiku
saat kau lusuh aku hanya bisa menggantimu dengan sandal yang baru
dan engkau kumusiumkan jika senja menyapa umurmu
