CROWDWRITE: Your Letter Home - requesting your haiku to fill in this story
An image / idea has lodged itself in my head and won't leave, so I've decided to explore it further and ask for your help. The image involves a letter home with a P.S. at the end, but nothing after it. To illustrate the idea, I worked up a quick haiku:
scribed and scribbled, mars the end
of your letter home
Who wrote this letter? Who received it? What does the letter say? What did the author intend to add after the P.S.? And why wasn't the P.S. filled in? These are all questions that need an answer!
Do you have any ideas?
If you can answer any of these questions, please submit your own haiku with an answer in the comments below (or make a post and link it in the comments). Let's put together a series of haiku verses that will tell this entire story! And if you'd like to jump in, come visit us in the #crowdwrite channel at the Isle of Write!

Think you'd like to wash up on our shore?
The treasure map will bring you right to our door!

my letter home
an unfilled P.S.
our secret code
Like the bitter cold
Of an early winter frost
That destroys all hope
Such a creative idea. I love it. Now I just have to learn to write a haiku. I look forward to seeing how this progresses.
We were once so bright
Passion to burn the skies, yet
Our flame gutters out
You’ve been gone so long
I have forgotten your face
But never your touch
My favorite so far!
Thank you!
If you do not ask
that I return Home, again
I will write you more.
This is so clever! I will come up with something.
Do you remember
Our walks on the summer beach
Now my beach is ice