Perspective-Taking: Responding to the Poetry of Yung Pueblo

in #poetry2 months ago

One of Yung Pueblo’s collection of poems, The Way Forward, was published on October 10, 2023. The poem on page 73 of this collection focuses on how a relationship needs more than just connections to prevent a breakup. Surface relationships lack the roots to weather a storm which is the depth and strength that’s required in a root system. The purpose of storms is to make the roots dig deeper and roots prevent them from being utterly destroyed. The first line of stanza one “if connections alone were enough,” is known that it isn’t enough for a relationship to survive. It’s a good place to start but a long way off from the finish line.

Having the same dreams in life doesn’t help us to endure a personal loss of a loved one or tragedy. The one who comes back from war for instance, loss of limbs, loss of their metal feeling of security, the flashback or the emotional imbalances being carried in their mind as they work through things they experienced don’t go away just because they share a vision and dream with a partner. The healing processes the war veteran and the learning process for the partner trying to understand something they have no way of truly understanding can put a lot of strain and have resulted many times in an unwanted breakup.

There is a lot of work that goes into a relationship, a true labor of love. Anything worthwhile never comes easy, it takes dedication and perseverance, and really dig deep into yourself and giving everything you got to endure the challenges a relationship brings. To add to connections in a relationship is “the nourishment of both partners...” the “emotional maturity and self-awareness’ mentioned in lines 3-5 of the 2nd stanza. Many times in relationships partners can be very self-absorbed and not objectively analyzing the value of their partner in their life. Selflessness, compassion, active listening and being emotionally supportive are some ways couples can build their relationship, like as Yung Pueblo refers to in his 2nd stanza line 4-5 “cultivating/ emotional maturity…”

In line 7 of the 3rd stanza Young Pueblo states “you can create a home…” not just a home, but a house of peace, harmony and love where two people have weathered the storms of life and found the purest form of love as we can see in line 8 of stanza 3 when he says, “and flexible enough to hold real love”. In the give and take of the relationship as we embrace personal growth, we find we not only grow as a supporting partner but also as an individual person. Understanding how events affected the person we are sharing our life with and having empathy and making them feel heard and understood. Knowing when to give space and when to not allow space even when the other thinks they would rather it. Being ready to forgive and to make amends for known or unknown reasons. Standing in the gap even when they are wrong. Realize we all make mistakes and letting it be a learning tool not a weapon to destroy confidence and self-worth. Learning what triggers your partner is carrying with them every day and helping them to cope and heal.

The enrichment and the expanding of love that comes from the support and being supported through the nourishment and cultivating over the journey of a relationship blooms into “...real love”. (line 8 stanza 3) As the collection is called, The Way Forward, there is a way forward to grow in our relationships and endure till we have accomplished a love that covers the imperfections of our humanity.

paper written English Comp 1