Uncle Midge (An Original Poem)
About This Poem
This poem is a Father’s Day tribute to a man I considered to be my grandfather, Curtis Walton, or Midge as he was known. My paternal grandfather died of stomach cancer in the early 1940’s when my dad was around three years old. After this, my great uncle Midge became a sort of mentor to my father and helped to give him much needed direction.

My uncle wore a newsboy cap whenever he stepped outside. During Prohibition, he ran moonshine. After that he made his living as a roofer until an unfortunate fall from a roof forced him into early retirement.
We spent nearly every Sunday with him when I was a child. Stepping into his house was like going back to the 1940’s. He preferred his old vacuum tube radio to television. His wife made some of the best fried chicken I’ve ever eaten in my life. He was a man who was rough around the edges but had a very good heart and definitely knew how to survive. I hope you enjoy this poem.

but it was honest,
full of the simplest
of pleasures,
like listening to the Red’s game
on the old Sylvania radio
with a cold Stroh’s
and plug of Redman
tucked in your cheek
the cadence of your speech
and your expression,
rough but meek,
the scent of wintergreen
chewing tobacco
and Old Spice
and how you joked
that the roaches
that scurried up
and down your walls
were like old friends
and how you’d be
lonely without them,
was filled with stories
and calm eyes
shined with content,
you always said
you would rather live
on skid row than
amongst the rich
because the poor
might steal your money
but the greedy,
they could steal your soul.

I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Eric Vance Walton - Media

This is a touching tribute to a great man.
I miss men like Uncle Midge. You never had to guess what they were thinking, and you never had to worry that they didn't care for you.
It is remarkable how a simple life can impact an entire family. Thank you for sharing your Uncle Midge with us Eric.
Lydon, that is well said my man.
Thank you Barry. You encourage people well my friend.
I honestly do try. Thanks for that, it means something to me Lydon.
You're welcome my friend.
Thank you, @lydon.sipe! I miss these types of people too. You're totally spot on, he wouldn't have wasted one minute on someone he didn't like. He was totally upfront and direct. I appreciate your comment!
Love it, my kind of man.
You're welcome my friend!
You have a terrific naturally reading writing style. I do say that as a shameless lead-in however. If you could cast an eye on an article or two of me and plonk some feedback i would be appreciative. If not, not a problem either. :)
Thank you!
I love poem especially when heart is in it, i also post poem and randomly anything but I started in poem, coz I can express what I felt thru my poem. Upvoted and steem on! Pls follow if u like :) @ericvancewalton
Great words Diana
Tnx, got problem.with my mobile can't get into the net sometimes 😪
Keep up your nice work my friend, good times ahead LOL
Yeesss let's spread happiness welcome to the new Dawn and don't.forget to vote me hahaha now I can be happy for my reward will go up high like $5 in my post that's a lot for me!!! 😁 Tnx. Happy for the community another highlights goo steem on!!!!
Even with my power way down and then the vote at 16% it still tripled that payout for ya LOL
Thanks for all your comments and support Diana, over the last while, it is appreciated.
Truth is I don't really mind the reward huh, hahaha.nah, much really I do like feeling so happy if I post and found out others noticed what I post and conversation start to a while it really felt so good. Feeling like going closer to the neighborhood is what I really loved most, sharing jokes and simple talks. Tnx @barrydutton steem on! Appreciated the vote much, don't worry u've got a friend in me hahaha!
Thanks a lot for the feedback here !!
My latest milestone post is up today if you want a read.....
I will UV this comment for you but I have to dial the power down a bit LOL, I voted so much today!!
Thank you! I appreciate the support and the kind words
Same here tnx for the reply I really like poem especially when feeling involved :)
I'm sure your uncle Midge would be so proud of you for writing this. He must have been very important to you :) thanks for sharing
Thank you! I think my uncle would be blown away to know he has a presence on the blockchain now! : )
Nice post man i am 14 years old and i am trying to get young people like myself to use time on steemit to benefit from there skills :) you are a real inspiration and if you could support my post by upvoting that would mean a lot ;) i upvote all your content
Thank you, @ottostephens. I'm following you and am looking forward to reading your posts. It's wonderful you're bringing more younger people onto the platform. They will really thank you once they see what writing and earning here on Steemit does for their future. Cheers to you, Otto!
Thank you :)
Nice. Now lets set it to music.
Thats a good poem you poured your heart and feelings out ,one can really feel your emotions attached to that piece of writing.Well done i am impressed !!!!
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
you are a good writer ,cant wait for more of your posts.OOOHH i think i should also try poetry ,posting very soon,you may like it :))
You made a wonderful tribute to a wonderful man. Your uncle Midge would be very proud of you, becoming the person you are today. Your story was very touching and really depicted part of his life to us and your poem was especially touching and showed the love and thankfulness you have for him and what he stood for. True love is remembering the person in his/her true state. You did that and it showed a very special part of him and yourself. Thank-you for sharing this touching tribute to a wonderful man........cabbagepatch.
Thank you very much! My dad shared a few more stories about his uncle with me yesterday. It seems he had a very wild streak when he was younger. That was well before I was born though. What a different world it was back then!
Your Dad's Uncle Midge probably wouldn't have become the man he became without those wild streaks when he was younger. It is always wonderful to hear stories about the old days because I truly believe we learn a lot from them. When I read your remembrance of Uncle Midge, it brought back memories of my dad and his times spent in the early days in Hawaii. Your article was a well timed story for me and I thank you for it! Have a great week ahead!
Excellent work dear friend @ ericvancewalton that beautiful memories, are fanatic of poetry, as a child I tried to write, was an eternal lover, but bo admit that I never get a rrima and I gave up poetry, congratulations for this emotional poetry.
Have an excellent weekend
Hey Jose, Happy Father's Day, I know family means a lot to you my friend
Thank you very much dear friend @barrydutton, I wish you a beautiful Sunday and a happy rest
Thank you, @jlufer! I hope you had a great weekend as well, man! Happy Father's Day!
Wonderful piece. It is always great to have someone we can look up to and share great moments together. Many of times when we are adults and away we tend to forget the heroes of our youth. I think we should always remember their contributions to our lives not just on Fathers' Day. Great post.
Thank you! I didn't feel like I fully appreciate him when he was alive. I was really too young to understand him as a man. I totally appreciate him now though.