I want to say many things

in #poetry7 years ago

I want to say many things

I want to say so many things
I want to express so many ideas
And the blockade arrives
I feel like I can not
I feel that I should not.

I am like an animal in ruins
I am like the star that does not shine
I am like the flight from Egypt
The day of the last night.

Sometimes I want to come and go
Sometimes I feel diluted in letters
Sometimes I feel that I am the ink of your pen
Loaned to the universe and not to you

There are many things that I feel.
Rare, so bizarre thing
Feelings that juxtapose
So opposite, so complementary.

Sometimes I need to get lost in books
And get reacquainted with life experiences
Sometimes I think that nothing makes sense
And suddenly I look around and understand everything.
I'm a fucking crazy with no remedy.


Thanks for reading up here. I appreciate your comments.

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