Original poem #2 - Growing up (english)/ Odrastanje (Croatian)
Growing up (Engl.)
You know the time its need
for you to collect your emblems of courage.
For you to write down your libraries of walks
and every day you increase the steps counter.
I am falling out of a boy's fairytale
and through the thick and thin of this world
I am falling in the novel of a man.
Great things and great possibilities
are staying behind
sad to say
I am growing up.
I didn't see this coming,
my formula of pleasure didn't include
it crashed all my hypothesis about growing UP.

Odrastanje (Cro)
potrebno je vremena znate
da prikupite svoje grbove hrabrosti.
da ispišete svoje biblioteke hoda,
svakim danom povećate brojčanik
za korake.
ispadam iz bajke o dječaku,
te pomalo kroz sita i rešeta ovog svijeta
prelazim u roman o čovjeku,
samo sad već vidim
da na situ ostaju
one velike stvari, velike mogućnosti,
nažalost odrastam.
ovo sam zamišljao drugačije,
u formulu uživanja nisam uvrstio
ona je srušila sve moje hipoteze o odrastanju.
Thank you for reading, I will be glad to discuss your thoughts about this poem. If this song did not reach you, it might be because it is translated from Croatian. And some would say that "reading translated poetry like taking shower with the raincoat".
Picture source: unsplash , author: Tom Parsons
Made by - @doomsy
Growing up (Engl.)
You know the time its need
for you to collect your emblems of courage.
For you to write down your libraries of walks
and every day you increase the steps counter.
I am falling out of a boy's fairytale
and through the thick and thin of this world
I am falling in the novel of a man.
Great things and great possibilities
are staying behind
sad to say
I am growing up.
I didn't see this coming,
my formula of pleasure didn't include
it crashed all my hypothesis about growing UP.
Odrastanje (Cro)
potrebno je vremena znate
da prikupite svoje grbove hrabrosti.
da ispišete svoje biblioteke hoda,
svakim danom povećate brojčanik
za korake.
ispadam iz bajke o dječaku,
te pomalo kroz sita i rešeta ovog svijeta
prelazim u roman o čovjeku,
samo sad već vidim
da na situ ostaju
one velike stvari, velike mogućnosti,
nažalost odrastam.
ovo sam zamišljao drugačije,
u formulu uživanja nisam uvrstio
ona je srušila sve moje hipoteze o odrastanju.
Thank you for reading, I will be glad to discuss your thoughts about this poem. If this song did not reach you, it might be because it is translated from Croatian. And some would say that "reading translated poetry like taking shower with the raincoat".
Picture source: unsplash , author: Tom Parsons