Mystical Profit

in #poetry7 years ago
  • Changes and innovations change the logic of life, everything has become realistic and mystical in the rhythm of the magical music. We are surrounded by meadows of the past and green thoughts in oil subconscious, challenges become the virtues of new generations of offers.

  • We embrace the ideas of the ideals with the conservation of ideas, mixing good and evil in a new mode of mystical dimension. Dawn brought a new day with the seal of the future, I feel the delicate turn of the plane to sleep in the dragon's nest.

  • Everything for the brave fight on the gambling profit table, your views open the gates of the new horizon with the smell of summer rain. I am looking for happiness in your eyes and wine from the Olympics, touch the fate of white silk as I hit the target.

  • Transformation of the game begins with our dance of passion on the bench memorial, be my investment in the world of innovation and insanity. I won the prize in your arms, kiss me in pure love.

  • @dobartim It's impregnating every stanza. Love can find fallibility in every part of the person it loves. Love is so great that if you look into the eyes you see happiness and radiant light reflected. If they hug you, you feel a tender warmth that reaches to your heart. If they kiss you it's like sweet honey and the texture of their lips is like the petal of a flower. Dancing together is like two compressed bodies breathing face to face the perfume of a flower as we move our bodies to the rhythm of the most beautiful song. Beautiful poetry, dear friend. Happy afternoon.

  • @dobartim Es imprecionante cada estrofa. El amor puede encontrar falicidad en cada parte de la persona que ama. El amor es tan grande que si miras a los ojos pues ves reflejada la felicidad y luz radiante. Si te abrazan sientes un tierno calor que llega hasta tu corazon. Si te besan es como dulce miel y la textura de sus labios como el pétalo de una flor. Bailar juntos es como dos cuerpos comprenetrados respirando cara con cara el perfume de una flor mientras movemos nuestros cuerpos al ritmo de la más bella canción. Poesía hermosa querido amigo. Feliz tarde.

Awesome comment

Very cool
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what kind of post @dobartim

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