When your Soulmate dies - Part 2

in #poetry7 years ago

This poem is dedicated to my late loving wife, friend, soulmate who passed away suddenly in her sleep on 26th January 2017.

Nice of you to judge my pain
While you let me go insane.

Did you write, call, or text?
Send something through the internet?
I think not; but you know best?

Nice of you to judge my pain,
To question new friends I have made,
That helped me, overcome my pain.
Stopped me, going insane.

You know nothing of these people,
The pain we suffered is just as equal.

Maybe one day this will be you,
Then; you will see too.

When you have no one to speak,
In my language that I seek'ed.

But nice of you to judge my pain,
While I sit and go insane.

Did you write, text or call?
I don't think you care at all.

But nice of you to judge my pain,
Unfriend me if that's your game.

I will not stop to ease your mind,
Nothing I've said is being unkind.

I don't judge you or what you do,
So thanks for showing me; YOU.

You know who you are, I won't tell,
I don't gossip about anyone else.

You know who you are, that's a fact,
I don't gossip about people behind their back,
Even you, should know that.

I'm going now, I've had my say,
Don't bother messaging me again today.
