
Thou shout and scream cannot be heard from within the stream. Causing the tremor beneath my skin letting it out would only cause the both of us to pained.
Disgust— awful below and deep suddenly collapsed from paralyzed to deep sleep. You ascended me from being incapable of choosing. I cannot unseen it, for the way it does makes me vomit in tears.
What should I do to make you realized. Would you even be that intimidating? Accept the fact of the dowry and stodgy feelings? I’m not gullible to see that I’m actually blinding.
Beware for swear I’ll replace and try. But I can see the end of this stupidity of mine. Link to one that was never meant to have known. I can see that you— of all the people would partly judge though.
You maybe close enough to travel to my own space. But it was never enough of your vessel to accept the dark side of which I have accumulated. To the never ending void of me. I could shout but I’ll choose to keep silent.
You would only be disgusted in this form of the metaphor of nonexistence. Consist of the rebel that you had, that is why I feel wary of you.
The point that I had to make it up. I had judged myself in advance. So that when its your turn it would not be as heavy as I have done. But still it would cause the heavy pain of your existence.
The eyes you made confuses me, causing me to bleed of misunderstanding. The meaning of those wild and discoloured crystals. That you had showed from the start.
Can you make the best of it? Or will you make the worse out of it? Don’t use me for what I am but use me for who I am. Cause if you do I’ll accept it whole of my heart.
Guess still it was not enough, you had called me the other name I had. In the way that for so many years it was not used. But you had returned it to the point it was recognized in views.
Guess still it was not enough, you had called me the other name I had. In the way that for so many years it was not used. But you had returned it to the point it was recognized in views.
This quote makes me cry.. been there. Which means its come to an end. awesome message it imparts. upvoted and resteemed
:) don't worry if we love we also get hurts, until we find the right one to love.