Poetry - Protest song & commentary: "Idolization Disorder"

"Idolization Disorder"
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I was born and cursed in Cuba
By five told I was a Marxist
But the system had a disorder
Of multiple personalities
One day called itself pure socialist
The next free for all communist party
It made no difference to my classmates
Who just wished not to go hungry
While my uncle his son and half the city men
Were too drunk to face it
Repressed and violent
You could not even these things freely say
Might not wake up or end up stranded
My friend’s mom dared to protest
They used to drive her to some place abandoned
She had to walk back miles though never in shame
While laughed at by gangs of cowards
She kept looking up wore white for her child I guess
Didn't want him to in the dirt keep grinding
His teeth while smiling before the mess
That we all kept dishonestly withstanding
He grew up to despise her in the end
Another soul lost made spineless
I was lucky to escape
Chasing dreams of stars and grandeur
But when I woke up here instead
The reality was alarming
This system is also now trying to regress
To replace free speech with their commandments
Well you can't tell me what to say
With your schemes plain pseudo Maoist
I won't let my daughter's future be so pale
Made into an overused failed nightmare
Do any of you college kids who Lenin celebrate
Have any idea the beast you are reviving
No different, communism, fascism, colonialism and hell
Or the imperialist omnipotent hunger
The only defense we have are ideas that we need to share
That's why they are trying to control and ban them
You won't even your claims explain and defend
Just follow some naive script blindly
That is any oppressor’s biggest aim
For drones to do their job for them
I don't hate if anything I'm scared
Of how easy we can be taunted
Into ignoring and fighting ourselves
So we can't peace ever organize
Ideology I know it is a sin
Call it what you may a cancer
That infects you and from within
Turns you into a proud puppet
Some may say I'm not from here so I don't understand
The "oppressive patriarchy"
My grandmother knew oppresion all too horribly well
Almost killed herself so we survived it
Said I should never let some verbose tale
Con me into my voice hiding
She saw her honest father die in vain
They said he was guilty of too high aspiring
Every day somebody depressed hangs
They can't keep hopelessly pretending to be climbing
While not getting anywhere
Even doctors are mute and starving
History has told me every spell
Of the grinning false prophets
Obama, Hitler, Clinton, Stalin, Trump or Fidel
Claiming to be the hope of the masses
Mostly all a game of pride and wealth
You know money is the one energizing
The war machines
Ringing the propaganda bell
While calling for an uprising
But of course only against what they label
Unlike them so insane
And keep it in the lower classes
Tell us for our selfishness to die and repent
Then the world consistently collapsing
Would not want us to our values reaffirm and defend
Or together realize
That change must start from the self
But we can't conceptualize it
If every debate turns into a foolish yell
Of fragile egos in glass houses
If you hate me still take my hand
I promise I won't deny it
If you hear my side of the pain
Your half I'll protect I see as necessary
But I will not just sit idle and stare
While confused you take my rights
Don't let them poison your soul and corrupt your brain
With authoritarian lies
I love Cuba, any nation, I love the USA
Not the clowns who assault and disband it
We the people need to the path lay and reclaim
Not wait they as always too late will authorize it
All it takes is in mass to stand from our chairs
We might not even need an ounce of violence
When they see no longer confusion or fear on our face
You will hear them scream and crawling
Begging for what they never were fair
But we won't succeed by aimlessly talking
Each of us has to from hatred grow and abstain
Be the light we seek outside
If not together we will surely fall as before and fail
Time has given us a clear warning
Every attempt of suppressing what we don't understand
Became genocide and famine
Red and blue have to see they wear the same chains
They just paint us so we keep dividing
Our balance tip into the extreme always inhumane
Then a few profit from the many dying
It is time to restore our common sense
Into their games we are no longer buying
When we join we will bring change
As a hard cleansing rain
As one voice in our difference demand it
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"For it is a truth, which the experience of ages has attested, that the people are always most in danger when the means of injuring their rights are in the possession of those of whom they entertain the least suspicion."
- Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 25, December 21, 1787
"The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed."
- Thomas Jefferson, letter to to John Cartwright, 5 June 1824
Disorganized rant - Commentary:
There is just too much to say as it truly felt like a different planet. My grandmother tells me stories all the time and a lot of it I lived myself. The first thing Fidel Castro did was take away the guns. My aunt lived outside the city and they came knocking at every door. This was before the revolution succeeded, before 1959. She told them very plainly to go to hell with a rifle in hand. They took her out and cut all her hair while stealing most of their things. If you refused to help the cause you were against it. After they kicked the US out, they taught most poor people how to read. One of the great accomplishments of the revolution. But only to then confiscate and ban everything that had any indication of free thinking. Anything that was considered anti/contra revolutionary-socialist. All religions were banned and followers arrested. The state was to be the only god. Many escaped right away knowing probably that it would only get impossibly worse.
Informants were in every other household. Kids indoctrinated into "pioneers" and made to say every morning, as I was, "communism or death. patriotism or death. We will be victorious" - rough translation. Agrarian reforms took away all land with the promise of equal redistribution. My great grandfather worked since the age of 12 to buy his land and was a charitable men, even donated part of it to build a school. He died depressed and hopeless when they took everything away and gave him 80 pesos a month. Then of course nothing was redistributed. The government simply took everything and put people to work for miserable wages. Rations have never been enough. Rarely any meat which might sound healthy in a place like this but made most people effectively malnourished and teenagers late to develop or forever stunned. The friend I mentioned whose mother protested used to eat bread only most days, since they sold bread to stay alive. Illegally as only government is allowed to sell and gives very few expensive 'patents' to the public. Water with sugar is a common thing to drink. Ironically most drinks here appear to be just that with artificial flavors but that's another story. My friend from high school Michel I remember frequently. He was very short and had seizures frequently. His morning started too early to get the bread they gave for 20 cents. One of the only things people eat for breakfast but at least there is that. When they started giving us "lunch" at school it was just some soy yogurt that one teacher, also a close friend of my family, once said she was terrified of what they would actually put in it. We wouldn't know. I know how here veganism is so prevalent. I tried it myself and used to tell everyone about it. But this is a very confusing subject to me. I try to find the root of these ideas and for example Castro also banned beef while there is no way to find vitamin B12 or other elemental supplements, unless with dollars which most don't have. My other great grandfather was caught with some cow meat in his car. There wasn't much else that would actually be nutritious and he had paid for it fairly. But it is a crime to kill even your own cattle and he was taken to jail, where he was tortured and died very soon after since he had chronic asthma. They had been throwing cold water on him knowing very well his condition.
There is no hot water. This I wish all those kids nowadays who praise communism would try. To heat up some water on a bucket and use a cup to shower. Every day. No heater or AC. No flushing toilets in most houses...for that too a bucket of water is used. They jailed homosexuals and any who would act outside the norm. At some point having an american dollar in your possession or listening to rock would take you to prison as well. They have a file on every student at school. With enough money you can buy anyone, so my grandmother got my file before I left. It plainly read that I was not to be given a job anywhere since I was a "worm". A worm is anyone who is in any way against socialism and the state. When I hear the term "conspiracy theorist"(CIA made) I am reminded of that. Once you are labeled you are to be cast out and shamed. Now it seems words like racist/Nazi and anything of the sort are being weaponized the same way. The power used to go out most days and you would hear a mass lament/curse go off at the same time. Blackouts were fun times actually for friends to go out and actually socialize. That is the only thing I consider better. We used to play outside and at least the youths were not as sedentary as here, something that is rapidly changing as the country follows the rest of the world and technologies, though extremely slowly. I used the internet for the first time when I was 18 and got to the US.
The ironies are everywhere in Cuba. There are private beaches where the public can't get in, only tourists. Just as many bars and stores are all with dollars and most can't even dream of going in. If you send money from here they take a percentage, like a tax, but it is the only way some live a half decent life. It was the case for my family after some got here. Then drunks everywhere. A culture of deprivation and thievery is sadly there due to everyone knowing there is nowhere to get up to. Computer engineers I know can make more money selling things in the street than practicing their careers. We used to bring soap bars to the doctors and it was enough for them to give preferential treatment. The whole place works on bribery. That's what happens when you pretend human nature doesn't exist. Almost everyone I ever met wanted to get out and hated the people in power. The few television channels used to sync up every time Fidel would give a speech and that was all you could see or hear. Healthcare is free yet there is absolutely no medicine, but definitely available if you go to a place that sells to tourist. Hospitals are full of rats and roaches, we were told many times not to turn off the light which is just creepy. This is hard to say while it might offend some people, but he sounded just like Bernie Sanders. He said literally the same things about the people in power here. But how can we expect the powers that be to give us anything but the bare minimum, if they have no reason to do otherwise.
This might be unrelated but I have taken psychedelics. I have felt one with everything and great love for everyone around me. But it is a hard truth that there are psychopaths out there and simply evil people. Of one thing I am sure. There is no perfect man or woman who will come and save us. That will always keep our interests before anything else. And if it ever comes when we give him or her all power over us then some might come and take it from them, to oppress all the same. While I detest so much of the indeed oppression, deceit and theft being carried against the american population. I wish "we" would see how there is still a treasure here. Not even the fact that the worst neighborhood here on welfare I assure you eats and lives better than most people in any communist country. But the freedom to say what we think and defend it. When they take the guns then they will take what they wish, no questions asked. I beg anyone who cares to defend these rights. Without the first two there will never be any other. And the word of the state will be the only law. Cuba is even more about the 1% than here and the rest are just slaves in a bubble. Venezuela just massacred tons of unarmed civilians. No ideas come in or out of Cuba just like in North Korea, without their say. Even the ones who were with Fidel got nothing just like here, all those who support censorship will one day too be censored. It happened to even some of my family who fell for the spell. Please be careful and look at the root of the ideas you follow. Or like they say at least follow the money. Ideologies get poisoned or can always be a scam, the wolf in sheep's clothing. Even blind love for nature I think is a drunk illusion. When one is not in a country like the US, under so many comforts and, instead in danger of being destroyed by natural disasters and even eaten by beasts we can finally see this.
I love nature and I love my fellow human but I hope we stop loving so blindly and protect ourselves from the darker side of things. Out of respect for the beauty it and they also can hold. I believe it is either knowingly evil or just naive to ever pretend that we are all not also capable of hate and selfishness. So that way we should never trust these prophets who scream they will finally be the only ever truly fair king. The individual is king of the self, and we should all reign over our own careful knowing our power for destruction but also for unbound love. I had almost 10 years already to learn English so I apologize for the disorganized manner in which I wrote this. And I hope someone reads it but if not I'm glad I said it. I don't think I could be preaching to the choir more than in a community so based on freedom like this one. Places like Reddit for example are already made into pure extremism and any conservative opinion will get you censored. I used to subscribe and parrot all their opinions too, but a look at history and cause-effect showed very clearly the part I was playing.
The reason why Cuba and every other communist hell exists are people not telling the truth and facing the darkness that is always shadowing over them nonetheless. Taking on a solely victim role which they push on us every day and everywhere. I wish I had not fallen for it again here but I did, I was the useful idiot and it took people like Jordan Peterson to open my eyes. Even Cuba used to have good intellectuals and decent family values but they destroyed us physically, spiritually and mentally. The way so many people here are made to welcome and cheer for their rights being taken away is the scariest part. The media and schools have done their job so well that they don't have to force and most just beg to be under control, told what's right or wrong by the state. Thinking that throwing money at problems will always solve them, but with every free inch they give us they take away a mile. So now the only real advice I can give is to tell the truth and beware of what you idolize. If you read all this I simply thank you and any advice or comments are appreciated.
-We the people-
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. "
- Ephesians 6:12
"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."
- Thomas Paine