Weekly Update For 100 Days of Poetry Challenge (Week 14)

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

100 Days of Poetry Challenge
-----Weekly Update [Day 95]-----

New Assignments - Week 14.
Leave your comments from last week's assignment below.




Hey everyone! We've made it to Day 95 on the 100 Day Poetic Journey. Welcome to the last week (Week 14)! Week 14 officially began at 6 PM GMT on June 6th (Day 92). I made a basic spreadsheet showing the calendar dates for each day of the challenge, as well as when weeks begin, if you'd like to reference it. This final "week" has two extra days in it since 100 does not go into 7 evenly.


Comments and Weekly Finds

Please comment the results of your Week 13 Assignment on this post. Here's a reminder for what it needs to contain (structured however you prefer):

  1. The names of the two poets to whom you were assigned to leave impressions.
  2. Links to the poems you chose to leave them feedback on.
  3. A link to your "Weekly Find," which is one poem by anyone in the challenge in the past week you found notable.

If you'd like to get a poem of yours critiqued live during our Critique Thursday session you should DM Guy (Thunder_God#4441) on Discord the links to feedback you left in the past week and a poem of yours you want detailed feedback on by the Wednesday before. (It must be 250 words or less due to time constraints.) Even if you can't attend class you can get a piece reviewed because there will be an audio recording of the class for you to listen to at your leisure.


Assignments for Week 14

The next assignments are listed below. Note for those that use a smartphone to access Steemit: you may only be able to see one column in the table. Please log in using a computer to view both of your assignments. You will put the results of this final assignment on the last post next week :-)

Week 14 Assignments

Poet name IAssignment IAssignment II

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Class Schedule Reminder

The days for poetry class are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. On Mondays we look at various published poets from different time periods, from classic to modern to contemporary. On Wednesdays we have flexible sessions where we can share our poetry or hold discussions on various topics related to the arts. Thursdays remain our Critique Sessions led by @geekorner.

The time for all of the classes is the same as before: 5-7 PM UTC in the Steem Schools Live Class section of the Discord. Please join when you can, and let anyone interested know they are welcome to participate!



Please comment the results of your Week 13 Assignments and Weekly Find on this post, even if you already left the comment somewhere else. Read the directions at the top if you need a reminder on the relevant info to be included. Please check your assignments for Week 14 which you will have one week to complete. (You will leave the results of that assignment on the last update next week.)

Send links to your feedback to Guy (Thunder_God#4441) on Discord if you would like your poem (250 words or less) critiqued in our live sessions. The deadline to be included in the critique class is Wednesday at noon (UTC) the day before. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

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I recognize & honor
the same divinity in all of you
that is within me, and all things.

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Huge thanks to all of our donors!

  1. @d-pend (800 SBD and 300 STEEM)
  2. @violetmed (110 SBD)
  3. @hopehuggs (50 SBD)
  4. @girlbeforemirror (20 SBD)
  5. @taliakerch (15 SBD)
  6. @yahialababidi (15.017 STEEM)
  7. @carmalain7 (11.11 SBD)
  8. @madushanka (10 SBD)
  9. @firststeps (8 STEEM)
  10. @mineopoly (1 STEEM & 6 SBD)
  11. @moeknows (5.44 SBD)
  12. @nikolina (5 SBD)
  13. @hazem91 (5 SBD)
  14. @whack.science (5 SBD)
  15. @rensoul17 (5 SBD)
  16. @josediccus (5 STEEM)
  17. @naquoya (3 SBD)
  18. @corderosiete (3 SBD)
  19. @nicholas83 (2 SBD)
  20. @acousticsteveo (2 SBD)
  21. @trucklife.family (2 SBD)
  22. @hartfloe (1.337 SBD)
  23. @johnrenald (1 SBD)
  24. @flysky (1 SBD)
  25. @zeleiracordero (1 SBD)
  26. @zulacut (0.6 SBD)
  27. @realnairda (0.5 SBD)
  28. @transcript-junky (0.5 SBD)
  29. @akdx (0.25 SBD)
  30. @emekasegun (0.2 SBD)
  31. @setiagunawan (0.1 SBD)
  32. @nasrol (0.1 SBD)
  33. @rexdickson (0.1 SBD)

To donate, send STEEM or SBD to @d-pend or @steemitpoetry. Donations go towards the prize pool of this challenge, and any above that will be powered up to @steemitpoetry, an account to support the creation of poetry on the STEEM blockchain. Thank you very much to all who have contributed thus far!



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Writing & images
By @d-pend

Join the Steem Schools
Discord here: https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P
We have free poetry classes
on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday
from 5-7 PM UTC, open to all!

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wow, last week. when I started this, I never knew if I would be able to complete it because of various factors. You have given us all the opportunity to remain dedicated and stick to the schedule by being the leading light.

The poets assigned to me were @dmilliz and @hazem91
A Choice (day 90) by @hazem91

and Peering into the ether ( 100 Days of Poetry ) {Day #89} by @dmilliz

and my weekly find is @dmilliz poem Peering into the ether ( 100 Days of Poetry ) {Day #89}

The two poets assigned were @ayahkasih and @mineopoly

These are the comments that I left in the poems

1st). @ayahkasih

2nd) @mineopoly
(Day 89) Basil Life

The most outstanding poem I read “Tracks” by @firststeps

Greetings @d-pend and poets companions.I hug you all.

Having fulfilled the pending task, I present my results. The poets that were assigned to me this week were: @skodie and @mrbreeziewrites.

By @mrbreeziewrites

By @skodie
"One way street"

Findings of the week
By @firststeps
"Full Circle" - Day 89. I loved the crescendo musicality of this poem, because it has a connection with the theme: rising violence in the world.

By @ayahkasih
Love is never really new. I was attracted to the way in which the cycle of life as a couple is treated, the difficult coexistence, the solitude that accompanies the lack of coupling. How coexistence kills passionate love.

By @prydefoltz
Become Elemental, Day 90. This poem seduced my mind with its symbology and intentional didactic. Your message is a teaching.

The two poets assigned to me were @firststeps and @rexdickson

I commented on @firststep's Day's Last Breath.

I also commented on @rexdickson's Would You Still Love Me?.

My pick for the week is @firststep's Day's last breath

Thanks for the pick and the feedback. I’m glad you liked it. I’m really trying to stretch my craft beyond rhyme.

Hi @d-pend and all you lovely poets, really excited to be in our last week, well done everyone one.
I was assigned @spellmaker and @sammynathaniels
For @spellmaker I chose Whole And One
and for @sammynathaniels I chose 'Of Blood and Bones'
both of these poems are amazing, that you to both poets for creating them xx
My find of the week, I have 2 actually, was hard to pick between them both but 1st is @theverve with this gem of a poem
and 2nd is @spellmaker with 'Receiving Perception'
Thanks so much @d-pend, this challenge has been so good for me and I have so loved being so creative and expressive everyday, thank you for that gift xxx

Thank you for putting up with this motley crew of poets for almost 100 days. Luckily there was no hair pulling. I will be the first to admit that encouragement from the 100 day poetry challenge kept me posting for the past three months.

During the past week I was assigned to my brother @corderosiete. He has supported me through encouraging comments and wisdom throughout this poetic journey. I was moved by his post “A shooting Star”. The poem seems to me a journey into his greatest dreams and wishes. I invite you all to read @corderosite’s poems. We all know he has been active in engaging dialogue through this poetic journey. Es realmente un honor conocerte y leer tus poemas. Muchas gracias por compartir tu sabiduría con nosotros. Espero las mejores bendiciones para tu familia.


I met a new poet this week @ayahkasih. Penyair Majenun is from Indonesia and whenever I think it is hot in Korea this summer I can remember it is hotter there. These poems are also hot and touch the nature of existence and relationships. In this poem Penyair pens the heart one who in desperation believed outlandish promises with strings attached.


I noticed @prydefoltz has had a great week and is giving her best effort to engage poets into a community. It seems like she enjoys it. One of her poems stood out among the rest:


Feeling sentimental... ㅠㅠ

I know this is probably against the rules...

but I like my poem "The Emperor's New Post."

Five more days!!

Thank you very much, @ayahkasih. I feel honored.

My assigned poets were @rexdickson and @tygertyger .

Here are my critiques respectively

Set Me Free

Pluck Day

My pick for the week was a poem by @dmilliz
