
in #poetry7 years ago (edited)


original poetry


venus_flytrap_by_isischneider-d9tgn57 (2).jpg


Melancholy is a type of sadness unlike ordinary disappointments and hurt feelings. It is a sort of pensive disposition not directly proportional to the events of life. It is a more expansive gloom than even the most sorrowful memories could conjure. It is, perhaps, joy's shadow: the intuition of some vast design, which, however, eludes one's comprehension, and therefore haunts rather than enlightens. Perhaps, it is empathy extrapolated to a cosmic scale: the tuning into the miseries of bygone eras. In any case, it is a common affliction, especially among artists, intellectuals, and those spiritually inclined. It is evasive, defying satisfactory description: yet here is one meagre attempt by yours truly.

Reading notes

The poem is composed of seven stanzas, each having one more line than the previous (beginning with 3.) Thus, stanza one has 3 lines, stanza two 4 lines, stanza three 5 lines, and so on, up to 9 lines for the final stanza. Additionally, the lines of the stanzas alternate "long and short" to create an interesting form, symbolic of the repetitive nature of the melancholic feeling. The piece is written in free verse.

Stanza 1-3

Melancholy as the choice fuel for diabolical entities.

Stanza 4 & 5

Idealization of youthful romanticism and innocence.

Stanza 6 & 7

Melancholy as the echo of divine glory.

leaf_fiber_by_isischneider-dap1u8m (2).jpg


(with images)


A rare nectar
That swings the
Flytrap shut
Enticing ghouls:
Their slow tentacular
Vampirism of joy
Ravages the veneer
Creatures that smell heat,
Detect loveblood
With ghostly senses:
Life their fuel
To power evil's engine.


The tenderness
Of youth,
Frost innocence
The urge to union.
The overwhelm, archetypical
With potent feeling
Overloading bionic circuits
In a lunar harvest,
Centerpiece of the festival
Of sallow lights,
Glowing vortex melancholic.

the crimson colony.jpg

Polarized lives,
Lurking or surging forth:
Dark alternation
In the revolution of orbs
Humming steady,
Quickening their resonance
By cold marriage
With the ether unalloyed.
Fruit of yearning in the vastness:
Melancholy, amber light.
Song of the remembrance of warmth—
Melancholy, crimson speech.
Heart of the agony of incarnation:
Melancholy, black tears.
Luminous booklet and affection's fade—
Melancholy, love transparent.
Nectar of lost purity, sad infinite facade.



(no images)
A rare nectar
That swings the
Flytrap shut
Enticing ghouls:
Their slow tentacular
Vampirism of joy
Ravages the veneer
Creatures that smell heat,
Detect loveblood
With ghostly senses:
Life their fuel
To power evil's engine.
The tenderness
Of youth,
Frost innocence
The urge to union.
The overwhelm, archetypical
With potent feeling
Overloading bionic circuits
In a lunar harvest,
Centerpiece of the festival
Of sallow lights,
Glowing vortex melancholic.
Polarized lives,
Lurking or surging forth:
Dark alternation
In the revolution of orbs
Humming steady,
Quickening their resonance
By cold marriage
With the ether unalloyed.
Fruit of yearning in the vastness:
Melancholy, amber light.
Song of the remembrance of warmth—
Melancholy, crimson speech.
Heart of the agony of incarnation:
Melancholy, black tears.
Luminous booklet and affection's fade—
Melancholy, love transparent.
Nectar of lost purity, sad infinite facade.


melancholy_by_cakobelo-d7mvcyt (1).jpgmelancholy_by_cakobelo-d7mvcyt (2).jpg

Written by
Image credits

1 --- "Leaf Fiber" by isischneider
2 == "Venus Flytrap" by isischneider
3 --- "The Night The Moon Burned A Hole In The Sky"
by KittenDiotima

4 == "The Colony - Edited Version" (edited)
by BuuckPhotography

5 --- "Time in Fossil" by rain2shine
6 == "Die Rast" (edited) by Knechter
7 --- "Melancholy" by Cakobelo

9750dec8ef40abc1b2c5cff90ed232f4-d55qvog (2).jpg9750dec8ef40abc1b2c5cff90ed232f4-d55qvog (1).jpg



Amazing poem @d-pend. keep it up!

Melancholy is a mosquito. Thank you for posting again without the pictures. That was great for the reader. I know that pictures are necessary but the format is easier to read without interruption.

Great feedback @mineopoly. That confirms what I suspected. I originally began interspersing photos in all my pieces because most people are visually oriented and have short attention spans, but I felt uneasy because, like you mentioned, it seems easier to read without. As long as it doesn't annoy people too much that I copy the piece twice in the post, I shall probably continue with this convention.

I like it. If someone else is disturbed by the poem posted with pictures and then alone without interuption then now is a good time to say so.

I like the imagistic approach in your work. I had already followed you based on another poem you posted, but after reading this I think I'll share a song of mine with you as well, bc I think you might like it (I'm new to Steemit, this is my first post to Open Mic):

By ourselves we find an outlet from the mind of a vampire, melancholy dies in the silence of true meditation. We are progressing with the grace of light beams - life is short, an ordinary illusion that goes on the path of its spiritual eternity. Thank you for spiritual poetry my friend @d-pend

This is captivating poem and i am in love with it, i look forward to see more of you, these because there is power in communication with the use of poems

Melancholy has a special pleasure. Good article :-)

Yes! I sense a steady improvement in your DELIVERY of these posts. This is one of the best I have seen so far, and so I have HAPPILY given it 100% upvote. More specifically, as a reader of this post (as well as practicing poet-writer) I personally learned something about stanzas, and YOUR insight into (definition of) melancholia, and the core focus on your. I REALLY like how you then BROKE DOWN your usual longer sections of the poem into MORE DIGESTIBLE sections, and THEN posted the whole piece afterwards. The sheer REALITY is that people's (including myself and yourself (I assume)) attentioned spans are stretched to the MAX, and so by you simply breaking your work down into more easily digestible chunks they will be more willing/ABLE to sustain the attention to get through the whole piece AND enjoy it. Also, by breaking it down you can add some more pictures, which adds an important touch. The only advice I would give for you into the future is that you try to MAXIMIZE the number of posts in which you use pics from ACTUAL ARTISTS (as you have in the past), whose permission you obtain to use their art, and who you attribute in the poem. The reason for this is that it adds legitimacy to the whole piece, as opposed to just using random (albeit high-quality) images from around the web. Of course, I KNOW how much of a challenge it is to FIND and get the PERMISSION of enough of these artists to adequately fill all/most of these poem posts, but I am just saying that from a reader's perspective it just FEELS better when I see that ALL of the content in the posts is legit. I apply this SAME criteria to MYSELF as well, which is why you will see that MOST of my poem posts are done with MY OWN actual photos. Just some more thought nuggets to contemplate. Keep it up...

First and last stanza lyrics is very nice.

Lovely poem, interesting to see the lines get longer each paragraph, I’ve never (consciously) noticed that in a poem before :-)

Great work on finding fitting images as well!

Hey @soyrosa, thanks for reading my piece! Glad you appreciated the form and the photography I found to go with it :-D Have an awesome day!

You too! :D

Melancholy, the poetry. I think if we all hear this poetry being read by Morgan Freeman. We might all blown away :)