facets [original poetry//photography//digital art]
sharp edged shards of scattered colour
brought closer to focus with each sweeping blink;
collected densely in haphazard piles to be sorted
the lines intersect and the images are soclose
but can't quite be recognized;
in a fluttering grasp, turning them to lens and to light
and yet
wholly translucent and one dimensional
susceptible to overwhelming desire and insecurity;
warmth and life imbued by thought itself
tightening on the idea and the feeling
honing anticipation and recollection into razors;
wiping away the indistinct tenderly, a tendril
each fragment replaced where it was, but notquite
to be assembled again with fond anticipation;
when raised ridges of blissful scars have faded
the memories of my travels are my most cherished, the ones that bring me the most joy, and the ones that take the breath right out of my lungs with how painful they can be. I built these prisms out of my photographs from the places that have given my heart its sharpest pangs: sunset over Denali, frost lining the Pitt River, snow in the rolling Kahiltna range, submerged maple leaves on the Indian Arm. An expression of the beauty they carry, the slight sadness they cause me when I think on them, and how I can't quite make them fit together in my mind the way they were, but simultaneously as something so much more.
These photos and words are my own work, inspired by travels all over this pretty blue marble of ours. I hope you like them. 🌶️

Beautiful poem, I love the winding of the words and of course I love the art haha, you expressed the nostalgia of memory perfectly.
The mirrored fractals of captured photons and experience, recreated infinitely within our synapses, there for us to relive and reassemble.
Infinite Lovewaves :)
leave it to you to find the perfect expression of it. I've been watching this for a while now. Thank you for indirectly inspiring this art~
I don't want to post a one word comment, but all I have to say is 'wow.'
you're thoughtful and verbose enough to get away with it <3
All hail the crimson queen!
Whose words flow like cascading rivers of everlasting cold beauty!
now this is way too high of praise, but made me blush all the same~ I always get nervous posting poetry. Thank you!
Such an awesome idea to creat these from your photos, they makes really beautiful prismatic patterns. Cool that you text follow a similar pattern.
This really honors your memories.
b'awww, thanks! I think I'm going to experiment more with this idea, as I kind of want to do a series of posters that are made up of these in different colours...
Awesome sauce, that's all I can say...
thank you amber :3
Very nice poem and pictures... im happy to spend a moment to read this Story...
thank you, hoschi!!
This is beautiful! I love the experience of traveling down the page with your poem, and the image you used to go along with it is about traveling. What a cool idea to create art this way out of images. I didn't realize that I wasn't following you until today, so I am looking forward to catching up on your posts from now on!
thank you! I've been exploring it in a number of ways. I love negative space and strange imbalances... I suppose that shows, lol. I'm hoping to start doing a series of this sort of thing as I find looks I like. I think they would make beautiful posters.
It's just one of those Friday's where we realize, nostalgia is a receding fractal. :D
it does seem we often question existence on a Friday, doesn't it?
Beautifully written and beautifully done! I loved how you intertwined the visual aspect of things with the poetry! A beautifully symmetric nostalgia...
I have this weird obsession with disjointed and unexpected placement of words that I can't actually wrap my head around. I've posted three poems now, and they've all had some visual quirks that I'm not actually sure why keep appearing...
I love what you did with the formatting!
Great job, Crim!
I always fangirl when I get your approval
Do we need to do one of those squeaky, girly hand-flappy hopping dances now?