I don't give a damn you can look down on me and put me in the catagory of 'crazy'....(An Original Poem)
Just because I have a mental illness I'm put down daily,
Just like all the other's with mental illness put down daily,
Can't find friends because they think I'm attention seeking,
They don't realize it's their listening ear that I am seeking,
I'm a nobody and a person always beginning avoided by others,
When I could be a somebody and begin to be seen often by others,
It makes me so depressed I feel like giving up on society,
It could though make me undepressed and part of society,
This stigma and bias need to stop but it will never stop,
Only if people will recognize for what it is will it ever stop,
I can't even find a job because of my mental illness,
Jobs just need to be more informed about mental illness,
I'm just another statistic of society's wrong thinking,
Unless people speak out to help this wrong thinking,
I guess I'll stay a recluse and live in my mom's house,
As I stay a recluse and stay as silent as a tiny little mouse,
As while I write my poetry/songs/lyrics, practice my guitar/bass,
even work the artwork I'm great at though no one gives rats-ass,
I don't give a damn you can look down on me,
and put me in the category of 'crazy',
But while you're taking time looking down on me,
maybe you are in the category of 'crazy',
for calling all mentally ill the ones 'crazy'!!!
Written by: Cindy Marlene Gustke @cmegetrich copyright©CindyMarleneGustke2018
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