Echoes Poem 7 - It’s You I Was Looking For
Welcome to Echoes, a compilation of Poems. This one goes by the name, It’s You I Was Looking For. I as an author, had these thoughts running while penning it down. However you (readers) can interpret it in your own way.
Figure of Speech - Personification
Mood - Romantic
Tone - Cheerful
Form - Free Verse, as it does not follow any set patternThis poem is written in a cheerful mood. This poem was written remembering all little things my then Fiance now Husband, used to do for me and how those very things made my day a happy one.
Mine was an arranged marriage, so, basically it was written during those days, when we were in our courtship period. Frankly speakin, even after i got engaged i wasn't quite sure if this is the man i would like to share my life with.
We lived miles apart, literally country apart and shared a time difference of two and a half hours. But we did not make a big deal out of it.. Instead, this is what we did:
At times, when we would be so tired after work that we simply had no stamina to speak, then we made this small pact, that even if we can't speak to each other, we definitely can sleep together. "Don't get ideas!!" We slept on video call with each other every single night of our courtship period.
These little few things every now n then made me grow so fond of Him with each passing day, that my day ended and started with Him on video call.
Gawd!!! Those were the days, when everything around me was so beautiful, so chirpy. So pink... I was literally floating..
It was then, that my heart wrote this beautiful poem. This one is for you love.
I Love You
It’s You I Was Looking For

It was pleasing
Moreover soothing
Moreover relaxed
Moreover happier and
Now all the more satisfying.
It had no longing for more.
It was calm and composed
And that was it.
Now its done.
Peacefully joyous and crazily maddening
What was sought, is gained
Search, now finally rests
I’m relieved
Moreover Free
Moreover confident and
Forever after, now I’m complete.
Thanks for reading. Stay tuned. Follow to know more @cherrythinks
A very true reflection of how we felt. Thanks for penning it down my love!