Echoes Poem 12 - All Still Remains

in #poetry4 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Echoes, a compilation of Poems. This one goes by the name, All Still Remains I as an author, had these thoughts running while penning it down. However you (readers) can interpret it in your own way.

Figure of Speech - Personification
Mood - Realistic
Tone - Sad
Form - Free Verse, as it does not follow any set pattern

The poem's mood is Realistic. It portrays the sadness that engulfs an individual, when betrayal hits. For a long time, everything yet nothing changes. Everything around seems lifeless. Negativity creeps in. The void that gets created gobbles every ray of hope leaving behind the memories.

We only wish if memories had an "erase all" button, life would have moved forward leaving behind the pain, the regret, the treachery. It takes us a while to realise, that, For it's only Time, and Time will heal it all.

All Still Remains


Life is never the same
Within fraction of second
Everything changes

Sometimes we wish..
We wish, if wishes would come true
But in bright Sun-Day light
Nothing changes.

Teary Eyes, Pleading Hands
Falling Hopes, Undescriptive Pain
All Still Remains!

You look for yourself, blank space remains
You Talk to yourself, numbness remains
You voice your heart out, emptiness remains

You look for a bright day light,
But the dark night
Still Remains.

Still anticipating,
If remains of the things remaining,
Would have never remained,
Life would have , moved forward
Leaving behind the Remains.

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned. Follow to know more @cherrythinks