Theodicy [Day 27]

Blue lines stretch
coursing blood
through firmament
pencil sketches,
guided hands
thumbing through
the tabbed void
opening spines
and blotting,
two dimensions
clasped, unclasping
three, reveal
the thump thump
thump of pumps
pulling blood to
the core, gravity
pulleys trailing
belts across the hides
of canvas unraveling
the fabric of
Cog teething cog
spilling stars across
a blank, gaping maw
of known unknowns,
dragons skirting burnt edges
of the parchment of you,
the sphere of the world.
Deus ex machina:
enough of our machines,
like everything earthly
that comes from heaven,
I am composed of fire.
Written for free-verse poetry maven @d-pend's revolutionary poetry initiative The 100 Day Poetry Challenge [Advanced Group] undertaken for Steemit School where @d-pend will be hosting a daily poetry show at 5 PM GMT.
@isleofwrite logo design by @PegasusPhysics
header photo base is public commons
Whaaa.. Feels like it's been a while since I've been to your page... but as always mind blown. I'd love to hear you reading this out.. As I was reading it I heard it being read theatrically and it sounded super powerful..
You're another true word-wizard my friend, meeting so many here on Steemit.. lovely to meet you and always enjoy reading your poetry :)
With Love
Hart Floe Poet
Wonderful use of onomatopoeia to great rhythmic effect. The piece is itself is powerful and the themes poignant:)
In truth, your poetry is beautiful. The soft nuances of a time of eternity, contrast with the inner human flame, with what vibrates in the souls that are built from within, to face not only the void that creates separateness, but to counteract the baseness of insane passions.The contrast between good and evil, always present in our world Excellent, teacher!
in truth, much of this beauty might just be extensions of you blooming into my writings - thank you for gracing them with your reads.
And, the machine of body?