A Quick Bitcoin ditty

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

Today a work colleague gave my this 1 troy ounce gold-plated copper Bitcoin, absolute piece of (almost) worthless junk... but it does look pretty cool!


But it did get me thinking about how the financial landscape has been changed by Bitcoin, and Blockchain technology.
So I wrote a little ditty about it... Hope you enjoy.

The Novelty Of Bitcoin

Oh, the novelty of Bitcoin!
The mother of the Chain,
Bringing wealth to clever folk
and to others, lots of pain!

The world will now forever be
run on blockchain tech
while those who do not understand
can be heard muttering "What the FECK!"

bitcoin spin.gif

Bitcoin was the first game changer
the rest all followed suit
bringing innovation to your desk
with digital wallets full of loot

But the taxman, he is not impressed
the banks are calling foul!
while adopting the same blockchain tech
trying to regain control

Our money is now decentralized
no longer in the bank's vault
You greedy, rotten bankers
all along it's been your own fault!

That's it, fun's over... have a good day!!


Team Australia, Team South Africa, and The Alliance banners by @bearone

My Awesome Upboks by @ryivhnn


I am a silver man but here, in steemit, I was introduced to cryptocurrencies. I don't know much about it but I know that I liked your little poem. Simple and right to the point. Congrats.

oh that's decent clever mate.

Hello fellow teamaustralia-n. That was great; it brightened up my afternoon being stuck with a chest infection! :D

Awesome! That really got a grin on my face for a morning chuckle @bmj

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