The Greed of Infamy
The greed of infamy
As the scavenger media
Drags fresh carrion into spotlights.
While geniuses suffer fame
The ignorant and weak
Are so desperate for affection
They do unspeakable things.
In a high school world
Of popularity contests
People believing to be known
Is better then to be loved.
Shoving the envelop
Blood drenched parcel,
In a culture full of deranged strangers with illusions of grandeur,
Encouraged by cultism.
Victims trapped
Attacked by egotist supremacists,
Cysts of a society on the catalyst
Of devastation
If we continue to feed scum
The attention they crave.
Apprehended and given grand jury
When they should be taken out
The back door and shot.
What need for fair trial
When the perpetrators guile
Is sociopathic pathetic pleas
For cameras and headlines.
Dissecting the causes
Flawed individuals premeditating
How to become world famous,
Glorified defying all logic
Deaf to the cries of the dying.
Bereft of understanding
the dying know no pain,
But the void of the lost
Can never be filled again.
The living suffer the circus
As the hyena plays its game
Laughing madly in the camera
Flash bulb burnout.
Every one too exceptional
For the common sense
This is a warning about no one,
To those who would seek
Infamy over fame.
Originally posted to
July 10th 2012
Wonderful river and sky.really its look beautiful
A supermoon reflecting off a lake.
I love this, something to get me thinking.
Hope you’re doing well friend, it’s been a long day for me.
I've seen. Remember it's better to be revered for who you are, not what you are.❤️
<3 hugs amigo
Nice sky lol 😂.
Even better word art. I dug the hyena metaphore !
Super moon in November 2016.
This poem was based on The Luca Magnotta manhunt, though over time the media has been most responsible for promoting the reprehensible into public figures.
Not gonna lie - probably some crazy infamy somewhere down the line for me. Fame will come first and then the infamy. Like I am thinking about starting the first real Weyland Corporation in space. Pretty sure human clones are somewhere in my future. I mean shit could get crazy. I will do it really classy like though and throw lots of money at it so nobody really cares. In fact I will brain wash the world for the time that it was all their idea! Paid off politicians will gladly shill my name...cause you know all that fame. Celebrities are the only people we can trust! Didn't you know that?
Whole point was don't strive for infamy, it's not a good thing. It's cheap, easy, and for the truly talentless. Don't sell out on short cuts.
Don't hate me but I am slightly all of those things all at once. Combined with the opposites of those things too, all at once. Sometimes I dream of being an evil super villain ok!? It usually comes with a little infamy.

But you don't dream of being a Karla Holmolka, or the asshole in the tower in Vegas.
No to the Vegas guy and not sure on Karla's details so I can't say. More like a Joker character that perhaps I dream about, or a Johny the Homicidal Maniac type infamous I dream about, on my off days anyways.
Sounds like you need a job😝
Last time I checked I have one and have had one for some time. It always saddens me that you can't see that. Or that you think it is all steemit all the time. It might not be regular income but I still pay my way in contract work throughout the year and try to be damn good at what I do. I have lean years and I have good years just like every other freelancer.
But - I guess I come off as a hobbiest to you.
So be it...
Easy tiger, I was making reference to your plans to be maniacal on your days off, an extra job will make those impossible. 🦀
With jaybord my cyborg brethern, i’m sure there are no limits for your space clone aspirations
Resistance is futile🤖😂
"Now the only thing a gambler needs
Is a suitcase and trunk
And the only time he's satisfied
Is when he's on, a drunk"
He washed his face and shined his boots and combed his dark hair down, and heard again his mothers words,
"Don't take your guns to town..."
I really like this post. Because post is very important and useful.
My best regards @fajrinurdin1990 and if any time come to my post.