(Steemit School Poetry | 100 Day Challenge | Day 1) PRODUCT OF THE ERA

tak ada yang mengharuskanku untuk segera pergi,
tatap yang penuh tanya, senyum berteka-teki
di wajahmu yang tak lagi pucat pasi: berseri,
usah ragu, hadirku bukan untuk mati
hadirku untuk menyampaikan rangkaian kisah
rekam jejak manusia di pusaran sejarah
ah! kutahu dirimu tak sabar diamuk gelisah
dada deru debar - mata berkaca-kaca, basah.
matamu berkaca-kaca mengharap nyata,
kabut mesti tersibak, hilang musnah dusta
namun, mestikah luka lama biar menganga?
dendam kesumat saatnya dilupa.
tak ada yang menghendaki luka kembali.
tak ada yang mengharuskanmu untuk pergi.
Bandung, 7 Maret 2018

no one told me to leave immediately,
your staring eyes, asking smile
in your face, no longer pale: radiantly,
do not hesitate, I come here now, not to die.
I came to deliver a series of stories
humanity track record in the vortex of history
Ah! I know you wait to be restless not
your chest pounding- eyes teary, wet.
tears falling for expecting the truth,
the mist must be parted, no more lie
but, should the old wound let open?
vengeful resentment, to be forgotten.
no one wants the wounds to return,
no one asked you to leave soon.
Bandung, March, 7, 2018
This is my 1st submission for 100 Day Poetry Challenge conceived by Daniel Pendergraft @d-pend. I have been writing poetry since 2004 author of three poetry anthologies.
If you want to participate, please do not hesitate to join Steemit School discord.
Great work @ayakasih. You followed all guidelines perfectly.
Love that you are working in your mother tongue and English. I expect great things here! Your poetic sense is definitely there and I appreciate you sharing your writing skills.
Placing you in the Beginner category (for english) but don't be surprised if you move up to Intermediate because I see you have tons of experience with writing. You're an excellent poet. I think it will transfer to English in a short period :-D
Thank you for joining this challenge. Be sure to join class if you can each day at 7 PM GMT :-)
Thank you very much, @d-pend. You are doing a huge project and still have time to write. I admire you. 👍
I love to join class if I still awake. It's 2 AM here 😅
udah gabung tapi ga paham aturan mainnya @ayahkasih
Setiap hari 1 puisi minimal 14 baris selama 100 hari. Cuma boleh bolos 7 hari. Ilustrasi minimal 2. Di keterangan cantumkan level kepenyairan dan link discord... Tag #steemitschoolpoetry. Komentar di 3 karya kontestan lain.
Kira-kira begitu 😁
waaah seruuuu..... ikutan aaaah
Munir: pejuang HAM......
...yang sampai sekarang belum mendapat keadilan.
Great submission man.. I like it... would love to know more about what it means to you.
Keep up the great work :)
With Love
Hart Floe Poet
Thank you, mate. Love your poems, too 👍
Aww thank you! And it's my pleasure.. I look forward to reading more :D
With love
Hart Floe Poet
buatan zaman yang akhirnya digilas oleh zaman itu sendiri. tragis
Betul, kak. Sejarah terus berulang...
Terima kasih. Salam 🙏
Semoga menang bang.
Beraaaat... Yang penting ikut dulu... hahaha
Terima kasih
Wah ini tantangan menarik. Selamat berjuang, bang
Terima kasih, bang @blogiwank. Yang penteng usaha dulu...hahaha