Loneliness hits hard...

in #poetry5 years ago

In a room full of people
I’m all alone
Deep in my bones
I’m all alone
You tell me you love me
Then why am I alone?
I don’t feel the love
I’m just a spare
Trade me for whoever

Seems most to care
Nobody would buy a broken toy
Why should I expect
My company would be
Something you’d enjoy

Deep down in my soul
I’m all alone
You’d never notice
When I’m gone

When I’m gone
You won’t be alone
I was never
Anyone’s number one
I’d be lucky if I was ever
Your number four
Feel so deeply for
Someone who doesn’t
My existence

Isn’t even worth a discussion
I’m as present as I am
When I’m not

Empty space
Empty heart
Doesn’t change the fact
This hits me hard
Loneliness is pain
