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RE: The lost book (5)

in #poetry7 years ago

I love this book quite a lot bleed. Some of these lines are so ... striking. It aches and one can feel it just by reading. Just at the corner of the pages prolonged sadness. But a dork all the same. Wow don't drunk and poetry-OK got it!


I was so lonely when I wrote this book, I had just left 10 months in Germany where I made great friends, a lover, had become a part of 'it', and then left and was trapped in Limbo, wanting to go home, but knowing I never really had one, why I left to begin with. It was beautiful spring days, but other then one of the heavy hash smokers from the kitchen, I was afraid to make any connections, cause I knew I would be gone again soon. My writing and myself were the only friend I had at this point, and I sat around making excuses and begging forgiveness. I'm glad you still like these old inks too

I truly do - but I am one for the dark stuff. Maybe its time to get some light for yourself today.