The only limit in this life is our mind.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetry7 years ago

the original mind knows no indecision.
the movement of the body
and the movement of the mind are one.
buddha does not decide to meditate.
buddha is. buddha meditates.
never can a buddha's meditation be broken.
even hesitation itself is a tributary of the Flow.
moving upstream against the tide of now
is too a streaming of the ever self-renewing present reality.
your trembling nervousness, your crippling guilt,
and your deep terrifying anxiety,
these are all perfectly right.
accept them as perfectly right to feel when you feel them.
fear attracts exactly what you don't want.
do not be afraid of fear for if you are
again you will attract more of the same.
accept fear as your teacher and loving counselor.
become interested in your fear,
look at it,
and say,
who are you?
or what are you?
why are you here -
what is it you want me to know?
your fear is your intelligence.
your fear is your spiritual guide.
your fear is the real you.
people who have no sense are deliriously happy.
because they have no fear,
because they have no intelligence.
It is exactly your intelligence which alerts you
to the condition of one's self in the middle
of this great buzzing blooming chaotic confusion.
can you tell me the difference between intelligence and fear?
address and accept fear as a part of thyself,
and then simultaneous with that, fear is transcended,
becoming fearless in the true sense of fearlessness -
whereby you are not afraid of being afraid,
of being paralyzed by terror of becoming terrified.
it is not bravery.
it is not muscling up courage.
it is not anything you can do in the way
of arming a shield against the threat of fear.
give up your weapons and your armor.
walk on defenseless.
armor is the for the brave, for the courageous.
but we are not that,
for we are wiser.
noone attacks a man that is naked in mind.
the original mind knows no fear,
for the void contains it all.