Parallel 92

in #poetry6 days ago



This is my life.
Not that which we can break.
When I feel like it,
as if the exits were an ocean
at my feet, an old boat full of corals
and a path in the dark,
in the distance,
in another time without orchids.
This is life,
its abandonment of minutes
its eyes of death
my roots.
Not this beast
meek that grows and comes to my feet.
To eat from my entrails,
to devour flesh and memories
loose that make me the person I am.
The unsustainable abyss
of lost,
of destroyed paradises.
Love the beast that undoes you,
take that pain,
and build your life.



Esta es mi vida.

No eso que podemos romper.
Cuando apetece,
como si las salidas fueran un océano
a los pies, un viejo barco lleno de corales
y un derrotero en la oscuridad,
en la distancia,
en otro tiempo sin orquídeas.
Esta es la vida,
su abandono de minutos
sus ojos de muerte
mis raíces.
No esta bestia
mansa que crece y viene a mis pies.
A comer de mis entrañas,
a devorar carne y recuerdos
sueltos que me hacen la persona que soy.
El abismo insostenible
de perdidas,
de paraísos destruidos.
Ama la bestia que te deshace,
toma ese dolor,
y construye tu vida.

Leoncaract amor.PNG

If you like to read books, I leave you the link to my novel.
Love is a dog from hell


Love is a dog from hell