We are all born artists. "Everything is out there all the time".

in #poetinahat8 years ago

"Everything is out there, all the time". It is still true. Under all the layers of grown up bricklayers and pancake makeup. Lost hopes or dreams. Wishes we no longer dare to hold or don't think we are worth or deserve, disappointments that hardened us, put locks on our hearts. Maybe we think it was the stuff of childhood. Maybe your childhood was hard, I wouldn't know and I'm so sorry if that was so, but take it back. Take it back. You are still a kid. Underneath. A warm, safe, secure, curious, open feeling. Let it tell the story, there is nothing wrong with that and nothing more charming than a 70 year old still burning with fascination, eyes lit up. Telling stories. We are all born artists". Dreams are beautiful and without a doubt the stuff of reality. - See it, feel it, dare it, chance it, live it and be prepared, however heartwrenching, to loose it. And when we do...

Every new day, every breath... "Everything is out there all the time". Keep your eyes, minds and hearts open. Energy can never evaporate into nothing and simply cease to exist. It's the beauty of nature. Only transform. It will return.