About Me: Eater, Poet, Traveler!

in #poet7 years ago (edited)

Let me introduce myself. The first one, I'm a good eater. I'm not that fat. I think everyone doesn't want to be fatso. We just want to be a good eater or eating something delicious. My favorite foods are Pempek, kind of dumplings, traditional food from Palembang. It is made by sagoo and fish, and eat it with a special sauce, called Cuka.

Resep Membuat Aneka Pempek Empek Empek Kapal Selam Santan Torpedo.jpg

Then, I'm a poet. An imagist. I love T. E. Hulme and Ezra Pound. My works often published in newspaper and my blog, of course. My book won The Favourite Poem Book in Indonesia Reader Festival 2015. I wrote another like short story, novel, and essay. But judging from my style, I'm a poet, definitely.


And also, I'm a traveler. I travel a lot around Indonesia. From mountain to beach. From hill to waterfall. Indonesia is beautiful country. You should go here. Not just Bali, but everywhere in Indonesia, you can find the beautiful place.



Salam kenal, mas @abdisurya 😁

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Max. 5 tag, saran saya dimanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin.

wah terima kasih, pak

Salam kenal ya, selamat datang di Steemit, btw saya juga suka mpek-mpek hehehehhe...juga suka puisi, fiksi, dan jalan-jalan....

salam kenal juga :)