in #poem6 years ago



If one could travel through time,
What differences would we now find?
The simple pleasures of life,
Pushed back by troubles now rife.
The differences we see in travel,
As advancements quickly unravel.
Things are bigger, better and faster,
We over time, have become the master.
We leave in our wake the remains,
Of automobiles and planes.
Discarding just because,
Remnants of what once was.




The difference in architecture design,
From intricate details most fine.
To simple, modern and sleek,
Buildings to new heights must peak.
This clears away natural resource,
Is this the better course?





The newest and latest invention,
Does it save time or cause tension?
From cameras, computers and phones,
It’s hard keeping up with the Jones.
What’s new today, is old tomorrow,
And the banks – they love you to borrow.
But debt only causes stress,
Which we then need to address.






Imagine how your grandparents feel,
Keeping up with the changes surreal.
How things must have changed in their time,
A journey through peace and wartime.
Try to see things through their eyes,
This can only make us more wise.
Time goes by in the blink of an eye,
This we cannot deny.


What ahead in our future lies?
It’s hard to visualize.
Only as time does pass by,
Our decisions and dreams magnify.
The nostalgia from the past,
Gives memories forever to last.
Enjoy each and every day,
And let time show us the way.



Poem by Sourcherry
Photographs from Pixabay


So nice of you to share such good content with us...@sourcherry
I strongly believe that time is quantifiable.It is just another dimension which we cant yet percieve..
The poem highlights the change that has occured in the entire worldly lately...With the images rolling down in chronological order ..This poem delivers your message as clear as Water...
keep up bro...getting a lot to learn from you.💛

Thank you. I feel time is a mystery yet to be fully understood. I am glad you enjoyed the poem.

Love it! Thanks for writing such a provocative poem. My favorite topic. Time.

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Thank you. I am happy that you liked the poem.

Photography and poetry two are really really fantastic........its really excellent share with us @sourcherry

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I love this poem, there is so much truth to it, well done😊

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the poem.

Time gives, and time takes. Such a beautifully framed poem!

Thank you. I am glad you liked the poem.

This shots are amazing, very representative of each era. The two last ones was my favourites!

Thank you. They are very vintage the last two photographs.

Time is a free transport, which takes you to the present, past and future ... Beautiful publication with fantastic images

Very Wonderful Poem, I also Write the poem and small articles.
Your Poem Give me some inspiration for my other poem.
Thanks for sharing it.

Your welcome.

This is verry good