Time to Adult and Invest In Yourself

in #poem6 years ago

The market never rest.
Why do you?

The stock market isn't confusing when dumbed down. You buy a fraction of their company. They get paid you get a cut that simple.

When you start to understand stock you'll find yourself asking : "Why didn't I do this sooner?"

And as your laying face palming yourself you might even forget that Bitcoin is considered a stock even know theres company involved.

Through research and experience it's not hard to figure out that the rich do stock and the poor just be themselves and work. Anything profitable is always made out to be too intelligent for our little peasant brains but when the government wants us to stay the dumb mass they give us easy Taylor Swift sing-a-long words.

That's life. On a daily routines watch mentors such as Allux which is very credible indeed. One time Allux confused viewers by saying 'Sleep is for the RICH' But when you break it down think how much your not earning when you take cat-naps or early nights in.

In the end were all losing money. For this reason I've spent months researching passive income and putting it into action. When you go to bed and tell your self your going to be wealthy don't just say it; Do it!