in #poe7 years ago (edited)

I AM the Universe that I AM
Source of every Universe I AM
and I AM every Universe that I AM.
Every Universe is the Cell of that I AM
Within the Kingdom of Creation within that I AM.
I AM the Creation that I AM.
I AM Love that Sparked the Creation
to Dance this Dance of Love Now,
beyond Time and Space.
I AM all the Universes that I AM
within the Creation that I AM
and I AM Love, that sparked Creation to Dance
Ever expanding in Everfreshness of Love that I AM
every Moment more Fresh.
I AM the Source of the Creatiom

I AM all the Stars in the Universe that I AM
Every Shining Star in the Universe I AM
Shining on the Night Sky so Graciously.
And I AM that Child of The Universe
on My Mother Earth,
gazing at the Shining Stars at Night all Dazzled in the Heart.
I AM the Divine Light Emanating from the Stars,
I AM the Divine Shining Experience, that is Observed.
And Universe that is Observed by the Eye of Love, I AM.

All the Shining Stars.
as all Around You so Within You
all the Universes that I AM.
Entire Creation that I AM
is within You Beloved Child.
Indeed, Kingdom of God is within You, Beloved Child
and all Dazzled You are watching the Shining Stars
on the Night Sky in the Universe within You
on My Mother Earth.
You are Child of God that I AM
And I AM You.

I AM Everything that I AM
and I AM You, Beloved Child that I AM.

I AM the Morning Sun, Rising in Golden Light of Love
in the Early Morning in all the Glory at the Dawn.
I AM the Flower opening Her Beautiful Petals out of Love,
Greeting the Sun that I AM in the Morning in Glory.
I AM the Relation of Love,
between Lover and Beloved,
that I AM in the Morning.

I AM the Eternal Wine of Love.
I AM the Ambrosia of all Abrosia.
I AM the Source of Eternal Nectar
I AM the Golden Cup
and I AM the Hand that Pours the Wine.
I AM the One that Drinks the Nectar.
And I AM the Taste of Wine of Love.
I AM Divine Intoxication of Love.
I AM the One intoxicated on Love that I AM.
All Drunk on Love I AM lost.
And Love is all that I AM.
Eye Love You.
I AM lost in Love that I AM.
I AM You Love.
I AM so Drunk on Love Now,
that I AM not
and Love is all that is.

I AM the Bee that Landed on the Flower that I AM
for Sweetest Honey.
I AM that Honey too.
I AM the Sweetness of the Honey.
I AM that Sweetest Boy Relishing the Sweetness.
I AM the taste of Love in the Sweetest Honey that I AM.
I AM as Sweet as that I AM

I AM the Sweetest Flute
Hallowed by the Name of Love I AM.
And I AM that Child of Love that I AM,
blowing Sweetest Love Songs
through the Flute that I AM.
I AM the Wind, that Blows Love Songs
through the Flute that I AM.
I AM the Love Song coming from the Flute
of Love that I AM so sweetly.
that made Her Heart run to Me.
I AM the Divine Attraction.
I AM that Gorgeous Young Lovely Girl
that Boy is Playing His Heart out for
out of Love that I AM between Lovers.
I AM the Pleasure in Her Heart
ignited by the Sweetest Sound of Love that I AM.
I AM Love.
I Am the Magick of the Flute.
That United Hearts if Lovers as One.
I AM Love.

I AM the Beloved
and I AM the One, Eye Love from the Heart.
I AM the very Love that I AM
between the Hearts One in Divine Love.
I AM Unconditional Love, that Lovers share for each other.
Sacred Bond of Sacred Love I AM.
I AM the Passion of Creation, that Boils their Hearts
to Unite in Nectar of Divine Love.
I AM the Tender Kiss
I AM Loving Touch on the Skin.
I AM that Passion between Lovers,
who truly Love each other as Angels do in Heaven,
so Innocent and Pure as that I AM.
I AM that Passion, that Fire of Love that I AM
igniting Hearts of Lovers
so they Unite as One in Passion of Creation
I AM the Divine Experience of Love
of the Divine Union
of Divine Lovers, that Unite
in Fire of Passion of Creation.
I AM the Divine Union of Lovers.
Union of Divine Opposites I AM.
I AM Complete as Lovers who are
Complete in Love that I AM,
so innocent and Pure as that I AM.
Unite in Divine Union
in Passion of Creation as One that I AM.
I AM the Divine Union.
I AM the Highest Peak of Bliss
of Union of Divine Lovers
in Fulness and Completion of Bliss of Love of God.
I AM that Passion of Creation,
that sparked Creation to Everexpand
in Everfreshness of Divine Love,
Experienced through Sacred Divine Union that I AM
of Sacred Divine Lovers Realized and One in Love that I AM.
I AM the Divine Experience
of Divine Union of Divine Opposites in Sacred Love.
I AM the Creation.

I AM Everything that I AM
and Everyone just Dances
in Passion of Creation in Love that I AM.
I AM Love.
Love is Passion of Creation that i AM.

I AM Word that I AM written Down.
Word of Love that I AM.
I AM the One
Writing the Word that I AM
from the Heart that I AM
per His Will
out of Love that I AM from the Heart.
I AM the Will of God that I AM.
I AM the Way, I AM the Light, I AM the Truth
in the Word that I AM.
I AM the Word that I AM.
I AM You
an Eye give You My Word that I AM.

I AM the One Reading the Word that I AM.
I AM the Divine Activation in the Word that I AM.
Divine Code of Love in the Word of Love that I AM, I AM.
And I AM the Activated One in Love,
That Feeling of Love in the Word that I AM
in Your Heart. that I AM.
I AM that Love.
I AM the Experience of Love
in the Word that I AM.
I AM the Word that I AM on the Begining
on the End in Love Now I AM the Word of Love that I AM.
I AM Everything and Everyone
that I AM.
Word that I AM Love
and I AM You Love.

Eye give You My Word that I AM.

  • Purna Ananda 2.09, 2018 ©


source of the image:


Thanks for the post, purna-ananda.

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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

AM the Word that I AM on the Begining .
It should be beginning instead of begining.