take it to 2 - Not Your Mother's Podcast

in #podcast7 years ago

Sex, politics, pop culture, and all things ridiculous. One show. Two women. Endless possibilities.


We started take it to 2 four years ago. It was a simple idea. The two of us ( @agbaba and @ekpickle) talking about anything and everything as if no one were listening. Originally we thought we would try and capture the magic that was us talking complete nonsense on set. Yes, we really are that delusional!

Take it to 2 comes from ‘walkie talkie’ speak meaning to switch over to channel 2. When on a set, channel 1 is the main channel. It’s the place where everyone goes to listen to directions from the directors and production team and where the main actions of set are announced. If someone tells you to take it to 2, it means your conversation is not necessary for everyone else to hear. What that really means is that if you are told to go to 2, everyone slyly switches over to hear what private conversation is going on.


I’ve heard people get yelled at on channel 2, I’ve heard people get fired… I’ve even heard people discuss their feelings about each other on this ‘private’ channel. The idea for the show was to give the listening audience the sense that they were joining in on a conversation that maybe they weren’t supposed to be hearing. Almost like a eavsedropper’s personal fantasy.

The show has taken many twists and turns as we’ve recorded. If you listen to the first handful of shows, you hear us constantly interrupting each other, you can hear our nerves get the better of us and you can even hear a few stories that perhaps we should have kept to ourselves. But as we got used to being in front of the mics and we started listening to other podcasts those foibles started to disappear.

Our goals for the show have transitioned some, but the main idea is still there. To have a show where the listening audience feels like they are tuning in on two people having a private conversation about pop culture, politics, family, sex, life, etc. Basically anything you can imagine. We feel that as long as we are making each other laugh we are on the right track.


We were lucky enough to be featured on iTunes as a new comedic show to watch (well listen) and have been included on a few lists of shows to download. We are constantly working on the format of the show to try and make it have some sense – since we, clearly, do not! Our audience has remained fairly consistent and thankfully has continued to grow.

For us, the show has been a way to flex our creative muscles. Our day job is to make other’s creative dreams come true, it seemed a waste for us to not work on our own. At this point we are working on finding a way to have a consistent schedule for our shows and a way for us to record remotely. After that we are hoping to create a proper opening for the show – maybe a theme song, maybe a clip of a previous show? Who knows, but the point is we are still a work in progress.

Feel free to come over to our page on podbean http://takeitto2.podbean.com or find us on iTunes and have a listen. But be aware we are totally NSFW and have an explicit rating on iTunes… We are absolutely looking for some creative feedback. Our hope is that some of you fellow steemers will enjoy the show and have some constructive comments to make it even better. Thanks for taking the time to read about our podcast. Stay tuned for a steemit page for take it to 2!

Follow me @ekpickle


My honest feedback is that you two crack me me up! Keep it up!!

Thanks so much! We are working on it. Every episode is a learning experience. Some are better than others and the newest one we were still working on remote recording and sound mixing. But we are getting there! Thanks for supporting us!

Great to have you both on Steemit! Also I love learning about where the name came from. Channel 2, who knew!

"I’ve heard people get fired…"

Yikes / awesome.

I've actually even heard people talking about other crew members completely forgetting literally anyone can listen in. It's an amazing channel to listen in on... I'm glad you found this to be informative. Thanks for reading!

Well my favorite "take it to 2" set stories always involve a crew member getting hit on. It's actually amazing... two people thinking they're having a private moment then someone interrupts the romance with a very mundane question like, '"where's the crapper?" You see, film making is very glamorous.

We need entertainment!

Well I hope you find this entertaining! We sure do...

Funny, I'd say the same thing about us. We're trying :)

I will share an honest feedback on it shortly... You may like it.

Please do! We'd love to hear what you have to say. Do keep in mind we are a work in progress and we are currently working on audio mixing and remote recording. Thanks for taking time out to read the post.

Your mother is proud of both of you and your work!