Pocket NPC - A D&D iPhone App (My 2nd)
About a year ago (well to be honest, it was probably closer to 2 years) I decided to try and learn Swift, the modern language used to write iOS programs. It came out of a desire to create my own little mobile 'apps'.
Flash-forward to now, with one simple (client-contracted) app in the Apple store under my belt, I have launched my second one. This app is a simple generator that I've wanted to build for a while. It originally started out as a much more complicated app that included stats and levels, but I realized what I really wanted was a way to flesh out quick minions on the fly.
One thing I've always noticed was that players, especially rogues, are always interested in what non-player characters have on-hand (or in their pockets). As a DM, coming up with these random NPCs for campaigns would oftentimes stretch my improvisation skills. And while there are plenty of online generators, many of them are specific or only offer a few key items. So I created something that has everything in one place and that focused on well-rounded NPCs, and even better, NPCs that can be saved-- PocketNPC.
The Pitch
PocketNPC allows you to create memorable NPCs with unique personalities, bonds, gear and more! With PocketNPC you get the ability to save, add notes and email and share your NPCs with your players– at the touch of a button!

PocketNPC lets you:
- Create unique NPCs based on a variety of savable factors like race, gender, class and region
- Each NPC comes with a suite of personality traits like bonds, flaws, quirks, plot hooks and talents to offer plenty of memorable interactions for your players
- NPCs are created with randomized amounts of gear on-hand to give rogues plenty of things to steal, arcane users plenty of items to puzzle over and all types of curiosities that can open up quests all on their own for every member of your party
- Save personal and party notes to each NPC and update their images for easy browsing
- Share as much or as little information with your players by emailing them any NPC you create with PocketNPC
So if you like D&D, run games, and are ever in need of savable NPCs maybe give PocketNPC a try!