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RE: POCKET Genesis Day 1 recap: 400 Genesis Claims!

in #pocket8 years ago

Hope that the price lead to big profit and success of the tocken. Can we buy more? thanks for this update, updated.

In addition to my comment, feel free to join the conversation in my new post about future of will motivate you more about steem . More success to you.


If you want to buy more, you'll have to find someone willing to sell you some. I'm holding on to mine for now.

Where can I store it? will it be sent to my wallet? no more info since yesterday. Thanks a lot

It's connected to your steem account. Using your steem account, you can send it to other steem accounts. The announcement has all the information that there is. If you got the confirmation message about your genesis claim, you're good.

Another way you can check your balance is to send yourself 1 token, like I will demonstrate.

Thanks a lot

pocketsend:1@biophil, I am checking my own balance by paying a 1-token fee. A bot will reply to this message saying what my balance is.

I mistakenly sent via the adress you gave me above...meaning that I sent my coin to you , can you please send it back to @Charles1 ..thanks

Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: biophil
Receiving Account: biophil
New sending account balance: 985171
New receiving account balance: 985171
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 427325795d40a4605011148ba1ca81f2a5644644
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.


Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: charles1
Receiving Account: biophil
New sending account balance: 999999
New receiving account balance: 985171
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 150494484a3bda1b8da89b99acfaf0e3cc09ec9e
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: charles1
Receiving Account: biophil
New sending account balance: 999999
New receiving account balance: 985072
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 150494484a3bda1b8da89b99acfaf0e3cc09ec9e
I am the-tech-guy's POCKET bot. Currently running this code

Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: charles1
Receiving Account: biophil
New sending account balance: 999999
New receiving account balance: 985171
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 150494484a3bda1b8da89b99acfaf0e3cc09ec9e
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Tried it out, hope it goes to my wallet...thanks bud

Cool. Give it some time, it looks like it should go through no problem.

welcome, thanks a lot. So they will deposit the token to my wallet or can I transfer to openledger ? thanks for all the support

You mean will the tokens be displayed on No. You have the tokens, but at the moment there's no website where you can look them up. Right now, the only way you can look up your balance is by sending them to someone, or to yourself. Probably a good idea to read through the announcement carefully to get all the details.

Ok, I will ...just mistakenly sent to you via the adress you sent. Thought its for me.

Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: biophil
Receiving Account: biophil
New sending account balance: 985072
New receiving account balance: 985072
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 427325795d40a4605011148ba1ca81f2a5644644
I am the-tech-guy's POCKET bot. Currently running this code

Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: biophil
Receiving Account: biophil
New sending account balance: 985171
New receiving account balance: 985171
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 427325795d40a4605011148ba1ca81f2a5644644
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.