ONCE UPON A PAIN -- By Uzah Ephraim Oryiman

in #playlet5 years ago

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Mama­- MamaKene also known as Racheal`s mother
Adiza-MamaKen's friend
BabaKene-Kene's father
MamaKene - Kene's mother
Kene- Baba and Namaken's son
Kwese-Kene's elder sister
John- Ken's elder brother
Bem- Kene's immediate elder brother, the one that follows John

Act one; Scene one
Light opens and it shines on Racheal sitting a small bench under a mango tree just in front of her husband`s two bedroom flat. She ties a wrapper up to chest. She is seated amidst deep thought and puzzles. Then she flashes back.
Flack back
Mama: Racheal, I must tell you that marriage is beyond what we see in movies and books. Marriage comes with lots of sacrifices and challenges. When you scale through these challenges it makes you recognized your womanhood and it remains of your virtues as a woman. So, as you go into marriage remember all of these. Remember that you were schooled in the humble whispers of morals like you shall not talk to your husband in an abusive…
(We return to the present as we see on the stage Adiza tapping Racheal to return to the world of the present.)
Adiza: MamaKene! Racheal!
MamaKene: (shocks and sluggishly) Adiza, you are welcome. Please sit down. (She stands to give Adiza her seat)
Adiza: (surprisingly) what is wrong with you? What are you thinking? What is bordering you? I have been standing here for some minute yelling your name but it seems you were deep in your reverie and can seldom hear what I was saying.
MamaKene: (crashes her head) you are welcome. Please sit so that I can be bring another chair.
Adiza: no need my dear, I was only passing and I decided to stop so that I could say hello and relay the information that the meeting schedule for tomorrow has been postponed to next week Friday.
MamaKene: thank you very.
Adiza: I will be on my way.
MamaKene: let me see you off
(They both made way down the road as light shines out on the scene)

Act two scene two

Light shines on the scene and we see on the scene Baba Kene roughly dressed. He is struggling to position his tattered motorcycle. Behind, in the back sit of his motorcycle were sites of a fresh corn and cutlass both tied to the seat. He finally positions the motorcycle as he calls on Kene to untie the corn and cutlass. He shouts…
Baba Kene: (angrily) where is this boy with his big eyes? I have said it to his mother, if he falls sick again I will never go with him to the hospital. Only his mother will go with him. I cannot continue with such suffering. A man at my age is still going to farm. I cannot go to the farm to feed these maggots I call children… (He goes inside the house and sits in the parlor. The parlor is seen with three cushions, a set of television placed a wooden table, the radio is seen adjacent the position where the television is situated. The walls of the room is having a fainted color blue. The sites of potholes seen on the walls are evidence of the number of years the walls have tasted time. On the right hand side of the wall is their wedding picture with the words SINCE 1992 boldly written on the frame.)
Kene: Baba, you called me.
Baba Kene: (angrily) where did you go to? Didn’t I tell you not to leave this house?
Kene: I went to the toilet.
Babe Kene: toilet for how many times in a day? You better be careful! I cannot continue to suffer for you people. The next I return from farm and you are nowhere to be found, is either you die finally or I cut your legs… go and untie the corn and cutlass behind my machine..
Kene: (walks slowly to the motorcycle)
Baba Kene: (goes directly to his seat. He calls out for Racheal his wife with her tribal name) Kashima! Kashima!
MamaKene: ohh… (She answered. We heard the voice over as her presence had not been seen on the scene. Then she suddenly appear) you are welcome my husband. (She stood in expectance of something yet unknown to her.)
Baba Kene: are you supposed to be staring at me? Where is my food?
MamaKene: almost ready…
Baba Kene: okay, tell Kene to fetch water in the bucket for me I want to take my bath. (Rachael makes way to the exist) and where is Bwaar and John?
MamaKene: I only saw john moments ago while Bwaar is outside.
Baba Kene: tell Kene to pour water for me in the bucket.
: okay. (She goes out while Baba Kene remains seated. He stands up, goes closer to a frame on the wall that had the picture of him in his police uniform. He says something that is only heard by him and returns to his seat. Kene appears on the scene.)
Kene: baba, I have poured the water…
Baba Kene: okay. (Immediately, he picks his towel and made way out. While Kene remains on stage. He is joined by Racheal his mother. She points a seat as Kene sits down.)
MamaKene: (Slowly and remorsefully) Kene, you are no longer a child. See, ever since your father transferred to Muski Safi and then his subsequent retirement, he has not been the husband I once had.
Kene: mama, sometimes I wondered what really happened while he was on transfer. Baba that hardly make calls is now the champions in call making. This is strange for me because I grew not knowing him to be like this. What does he take us like, kids? Mama, it is you that we are looking. It is you who we respect…
MamaKene: (cuts) shut up, don’t speak like that. There would be trace of truth in what you about your father if there is no respect. The reason why I relay my plights to my children is because I can't go outside and start telling people what is happening in my house. It is what they will use to mock me tomorrow.
Kene: Mama, we respect you but this is hurtful. Baba hardly talk to with a calm voice and all of these started when he came back from that transfer. This police work is tiresome. Mama, what is happening? The other day, he was accusing you of taking or stealing your money... and that when his money comes he pack his things and leave us. Who is interested in his money? Have we had money all our lives? Come to think of it, are you not the one who have been feeding this family needs and even fueling his motorcycle from the petty trade that he would not even allow you do?
Baba Kene: (We see Baba Kene silently listening to the conversation from a macerated angle of the entrance of the parlor. He waylays their conversation rather harshly) idiot! How dare you intervene in the problem with my wife? I said it, my problem is from you (points to his wife) and you (points to Kene). Useless woman, why would you stay here and discuss our problem with your children?
MamaKene: you think they don’t have sense of sight? That they can't see what is happening?
Baba Kene: (angrily) see what? I have said it before and am going to say again that once my money comes I will pack from this house and leave you to rot here with you children...
(Kwese and John entered)
Kwese: Mama! What is happening? (Turns to Kene) why is Mama crying? What happened? Why are you also crying? (Faces Baba) is this your handiwork? What do you really want from our mother? You torture physically and psychologically. (Raises her voice) if anything happens to my mother! If anything happens to our mother! You think we don’t hear about your promiscuous efforts?
Baba Kene: (Angrily) you this rotten egg! How dare you stand to talk to me like this? Who are you? Oh! You think you have acquired knowledge right? Prostitute! Is it not in your place of prostitution that they have told my libidinous exploits? See, you must the names of the people who told you am promiscuous else I would to your case to the vice Chancellor of your school to report you to him about your misconducts. Shameless girl! Me? Me, the son of Zemzem, and my children insulting me for nothing they know about? Kwese, you will die at your birth of your first child.
John: (Hastily) nothing will happen to her. Kwese will not die.
Baba Kene: look at this maggot! Who are you too? You that failed almost of your exams. You dare object my orders... if I am the one that give birth to you (pours spittle on his tongue) anything I say must follow you...
Bem: (He enters the stage. He wore a purple shirt who had a man in the grips of a microphone and had at the back of the shirt an encrypt “Pains in Vain” written on it. He is holding a bag. He drops his bag on a table right in front of him and began his talk) what is happening here? Why is everybody like this?
Kwese: baba has been tormenting Mama. Look at your mother, see how emaciated she looks like there is nobody to take care of her. All because of your father. I can't stand this anymore. We have endure this enough.
Baba Kene: do you worse! Where is this axe let me end this girl's life. What use do you have for me? Nonsense! (He goes inside to bring his axe. He comes out with the axe)
Bem: (Runs to collect the axe) baba, baba, what do you want to do? No, no, it has not gotten to this. What would people say? That you killed your daughter? Baba, what would people say about you? Haba baba! What has happened to you? Remember what you used to tell us? Who should we run to now for moral upbringing?
Baba Kene: (struggle) let me kill this girl. (He struggles with Bem but Bem holds him still)
Bem: enough of this. You said you want to lay course Kwese. But remember that she is your daughter and your blood runs in her. What would you have done if it was your mother that is being maltreated like this? You would do the same. Do you know the pains of a mother? She is our mother. And we can`t stand and watch her being maltreated like this. See, nobody is saying you shouldn’t do what you want with your life, you are our father, we can't detect for you. If you want to marry another woman, you are free to do so. But don’t talk or yell at like she is your child.

Baba Kene: oh! You are also supporting her right?
Bem: am only telling the truth...
Baba Kene: what truth? Young man, just because I allowed you to talk doesn’t mean you will talk out of sense. Your mother and your siblings plan to kill me to inherit the little money I will paid for my services in the NPF. And I can't die just like that, never, over my dead body. I will live and see it and finish it. I don’t care what you say about it. If you like you can pack your things and leave!
Kwese: we would go but remember that we suffered with you. Our mother suffered for you. And that the pains you caused her will not be paid in hell but here on heart. You won't die. Not all!
MamaKene: in marriage, we were told by our parents or even grandparents that there are moments of joy and bitterness. We all have to endure. I am convinced that I didn’t do anything but you chase me out even at this age (she wept. She is all of a sudden surrounded by her four children as they made the exit door of the stage)

The End



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