The negative and positive impact of online games.

in #play7 years ago (edited)


  • make a wallet drained of having to pay bills at the cafe, but if at home you have your own internet network, still our parents who pay or we pay themselves.
  • can make eyes swollen for long in front of the monitor screen
  • addicted to play gem online can spend hours hourly hours.


  • increase concentration.
  • faster eye acuity.
  • relieve stress.
  • provides the pattern of biting.

Negative :

  • membuat dompet terkuras karena harus membayar tagihan jam di warnet ,tapi kalau di rumah kalian punya jaringan internet sendiri, tetap saja orang tua kita yang membayar atau kita bayar sendiri.
  • bisa membuat mata bengkak karena lama di depan layar monitor
  • kecanduan bermain gem online dapat menghabiskan waktu ber jam jam.

Positive :

  • meningkatkan konsentrasi .
  • ketajaman mata yang lebih cepat.
  • menghilangkan stres.
  • menguatkan pola berpikit.